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Pearl: Auburn men’s basketball team a lesson in how ‘we can govern’

MONTGOMERY — Governor Kay Ivey honored the Auburn University men’s basketball team at a ceremony on the governor’s mansion front lawn on Wednesday afternoon, calling them “a fantastic team” who had “a fantastic season.”

Ivey, who attended the Final Four game against the University of Virginia, talked about how confidence and preparation were key to the team’s late-season success.

“This team said, ‘Why not us?'” the governor said.

She also lauded their character and how they modeled what Auburn – and the state – stands for.

“On the court and off the court, these team members of the Auburn’s men’s basketball team brought dignity and determination to everything they did – they did it with class,” Ivey emphasized. “And y’all, it was noticed and is noticed – first class Auburn men’s basketball team.”

Ivey told the seniors that they had especially helped set the stage for the program to be a consistent national powerhouse.

“We want to do this again and go all the way,” the governor emphasized.

Pearl, speaking after Ivey, first reminded the players how unprecedented their season was.

“Remember this, that in the history of the NCAA Tournament, in the history of the Final Four, you were the first team from the state of Alabama to ever play in the Final Four,” Pearl crowed.

“Governor Ivey, when my guys were listening to that talk, they were ready to play right now for you. I’m just telling you right now,” he added.

With a crowd of state legislators in attendance, Pearl said that his team was so successful because “they worked together” so well.

“These young guys taught us how maybe we can govern, about how maybe we can lead,” he continued. “And the difference we can make in this country.”

Ivey presented the team with a proclamation naming April 24, 2019, in their honor.

Senate President Pro Tem Del Marsh (R-Anniston) presented the team with a resolution from the Senate, along with State Sen. Tom Whatley (R-Auburn).

House Speaker Mac McCutcheon (R-Monrovia) did the same on behalf of that chamber, along with State Rep. Joe Lovvorn (R-Auburn).

Multiple leaders from the team spoke, thanking the governor and all of the tremendous supporters and fans who were with them every step of the way. They presented Ivey with a team jersey with the number 54 recognizing her legacy as the state’s 54th governor.

Powerful members of the Auburn Board of Trustees were in attendance, including Great Southern Wood Preserving’s Jimmy Rane and Alabama Power’s Quentin Riggins, who was a standout football player at Auburn.

Sean Ross is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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