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Palmer says Biden’s indecision and weakness cause allies to suffer

U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer recently criticized the Biden administration for showing indecision in support of Israel. He said Israel’s effort to eliminate Hamas in Gaza is justified.

“When President Biden shows indecision and weakness to our enemies around the world, our friends suffer,” said Palmer (R-Hoover). “The attacks against Israel by the Hamas terrorist group and the slaughter of Israeli citizens justifies Israel’s determination to eliminate Hamas in Gaza.”

There have been protests in support of Hamas and Gaza around the country in recent weeks.

“The failed leadership of the Biden administration is not only encouraging these attacks abroad, but it is causing chaos here at home,” Palmer said. “College campuses across the nation have been taken over with antisemitic and anti-American protests. Ironically, these antisemitic and anti-American protests are being funded by the same people and organizations that fund left-wing politicians.”

The administration has recently withheld arm shipments to Israel.

“Let me be clear, antisemitism has no place in our country,” Palmer said. “The Biden administration should condemn these protests, stop withholding Congressionally appropriated funds for military aid to Israel, and show that the United States stands with Israel.”

Palmer has dismissed the campus protests as being part of a vast left wing conspiracy.

Israel launched its invasion of Gaza following the attacks by Hamas in October. Congress approved a foreign aid package last month that included support for Israel. The Biden administration has held up the delivery of some of those weapons systems due to concerns about civilian deaths in Gaza.

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