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Palmer: Attempt to remove Trump from ballot is ‘incredibly shaky legal ground’

On Tuesday, the Colorado Supreme Court released a controversial ruling removing former President Donald J. Trump from the Republican primary ballot in the state.

Congressman Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) said he believes that the Supreme Court will have to look at that ruling, which he said is on “shaky ground.” Palmer made his comments Wednesday on Birmingham radio program 105.5 FM Alabama’s Morning News with JT.

J.T. asked Rep. Palmer if this was an area that the state court should have been involved in? “No, particularly a state court,” Palmer answered.

The insurrection clause in the Constitution was put in place just after the end of the Civil War.

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“My understanding of the Fourteenth Amendment Section Three – it was put in place and it was  controversial – very controversial – at the time – put in place though to prohibit anyone who had served and taken an oath to the Constitution who later left and served in the Confederacy,” Palmer explained. “It was intended to bar former officers from holding office in the reconstructed states. I only know of six that that applied to.”

“I think this is totally different J.T. where somebody who served in the United States Senate, as Jefferson Davis did, and then later went over to the Confederacy and swore and oath to another country, which the Confederacy declared itself to be,” Palmer continued. “I think the courts will handle this, because President Trump has never taken an oath of office to any other nation.”

Palmer said the Supreme Court will have to rule on the Colorado decision.

“Yea, I think the court will have to rule on it,” Palmer said. “To deny a former President ballot access is unprecedented and it’s like I say its on incredibly shaky legal ground.”

Palmer predicted that the Supreme Court will throw out the Colorado decision.

“This is one of the shakiest cases that will ever come before the Court to claim that a former President participated in an insurrection; so I think it is going to get thrown out,” Palmer said. “It shows the desperation of the Left. They live in absolute fear that this guy will be President again; and it is pretty obvious by now J.T. that they will stop at nothing.”

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Palmer thought that this will come before the Supreme Court pretty quickly.

“I think the court will have to take this up in an expedited manner,” Palmer said. “I think Colorado’s primary is in March the same time as Alabama’s. I think it is March 5th; so they are going to have to resolve this.”

“It is up to the people to decide who they want as their leaders not a bunch of liberal judges in a state like Colorado,” Palmer added.

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