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NRCC announces Caroleene Dobson in 2024 Young Guns Program

The Republican candidate for Alabama’s Second Congressional District, Caroleene Dobson, continues to receive national attention in what is turning out to be a close race in the Yellowhammer State.

Monday, the National Republican Congressional Committee announced that Dobson is on the initial list of 26 candidates for the 2024 Young Guns program.

“Extreme House Democrats like Shomari Figures have fueled the border, crime and cost of living crises that are wreaking havoc on Alabamans’ safety and security, said NRCC Spokeswoman Delanie Bomar. “Caroleene Dobson is in a prime position to keep Alabama’s 2nd District red and help grow our House majority in November.”

The Young Gun program mentors and supports candidates in races across the country and works to provide them with the necessary tools to run successful, winning campaigns against their Democratic opponents.

The latest polls reveal the Dobson is behind Figures, but still has a chance to win.

Last week, the Alabama Families PAC released a survey showing Dobson at 33.86% to Figures’ 37.04%, with 29.01% still undecided. The poll also showed that Dobson had a 28.73% favorable or very favorable rating while Figures had a 38.88% had a favorable or very favorable rating.

RELATED: RNC boosts Dobson as Biden chaos continues, redrawn 2nd Congressional District in play for GOP

“Voters in Alabama’s Second Congressional District are clear in their desire to elect the candidate with the clearest plan on the border and on matters relating to the economy,” Dalton Dismukes, Executive Director of Alabama Families PAC, said. “Caroleene Dobson is not only clearly defining herself as the candidate bringing solutions to problems, but her strides are becoming more and more evident with key voting groups in this district.”

Dobson discussed the state of the race on Alabama Public Television’s “Capitol Journal.”

“[T]his district is very much in play,” Dobson said. “And as we continue to go throughout the district, I think our message really resonates. What I hear voters time and time again, whether they’re rural, urban, Republican or Democrat, is that they’re concerned about the rise in crime, and the inflationary environment in which we live, the lack of opportunities, how hard it is to run a small business, how hard it is to pay for groceries or put gas in your car.”

Yaffee is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts “The Yaffee Program” weekdays 9-11 a.m. on WVNN. You can follow him on X @Yaffee

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