‘No Place Like Home’ is a celebration of Auburn’s architecture

Brittany Dunn

Auburn’s rich history and architectural structures are worth celebrating.

“No Place Like Home: An Architectural Study of Auburn, Alabama” is a record of the first 150 years of buildings that have helped make Auburn into the place it is today.

The book looks at rooflines, windows, doors and different styles of bricks. But it also goes deeper into stories about the structures and about what happened inside. The builders and the architects are credited for their lasting legacies.

“No Place Like Home” recognizes the buildings and places of Auburn from Alabama NewsCenter on Vimeo.

Co-authors Delos Hughes, Ralph Draughon Jr., Emily Sparrow and Ann Pearson present Auburn’s architecture in a way that anyone can have a special connection to the city and its places. The book will be released by NewSouth Books next month.

“I really hope it would encourage them – architects and builders – to think about: What is my place? Where do I fit into the built-in environment in Auburn? And what will someone say about my work 50 years from now or 100 years from now?,” Sparrow said.

(Courtesy of Alabama NewsCenter)

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