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Moore: Continuing resolution a ‘surrender to Democrats’

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a one-week continuing resolution by a 224-201 vote this week, with nine Republicans joining Democrats to get the bill through. This moves back the funding deadline to next week and gives Congress more time to approve the omnibus spending bill for FY 2023.

One of the “no” votes on the Republican side came from U.S. Rep. Barry Moore (R-Enterprise), who argued it just helps the Democrats pass more “wasteful spending.”

“The one-week CR is nothing more than a surrender to Democrats that greases the skids for a wasteful $1.7 trillion spending bill next week – which we still have not seen yet,” Moore said in a statement. “Instead of rolling over and submitting to retiring and defeated Democrats, Republicans must insist that funding levels are extended past the lame duck session into the new Congress so that the American people can hold accountable the elected officials spending their tax dollars.”

For weeks, Moore has been critical of a lame-duck Congress passing a massive omnibus spending bill, and recently wrote about it in an op-ed for The Hill.

“This year, the Democrats running Congress are taking an even more cynical approach to fund (or failing to fund) the government,” Moore wrote. “Instead of finishing 12 appropriations bills on time before FY 2023 arrives, Democrats threw in the towel early and are trying to pass a CR to fund our government until the middle of the lame duck session in mid-December — after the November elections but before a new Congress arrives.”

The congressman said the Democrats are going against the will of the American people.

“Democrats (and the big-spending Republicans acquiescing to their scheme) are cheating the system,” he wrote. “Intentionally failing to spend your money responsibly so they can continue to rule over you after a widely predicted GOP takeover, putting their own political power over the people.

“With Democrats, CR doesn’t stand for ‘continuing resolution’ but ‘continued rule.'”

Moore concluded by calling on Congress to get their fiscal house in order for the good of the future of the American economy.

“For too long, Congress has escaped accountability for its fiscal failures while bleeding taxpayers dry of their resources and liberties,” he said. “Republicans have a rare opportunity to both deny the Democrats’ scheme to bypass accountability and restore some fiscal sanity. That’s a Christmas present the voters who employ us would be happy to unwrap.”

Yaffee is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts “The Yaffee Program” weekdays 9-11 a.m. on WVNN. You can follow him on Twitter @Yaffee

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