Mobile man pulls elderly neighbor from burning building

A Mobile man rescued an elderly woman from a burning apartment building on Wednesday.

The blaze, and Quinn Parrish’s heroics, were first reported by MyNBC15.

Parrish described the moments before rushing to his aged neighbor’s aid, saying, “I felt the heat on the side of my face, I felt the heat on my arm.”

Video shows Parrish rushing past a firefighter, who was struggling to equip an oxygen tank, and pulling the senior citizen through her window to safety.

“For her to be an elderly lady, she was trying to get up out of there,” Parrish recounted about the moments that drew him to action.

“She said, ‘I give up,’” recalled Parrish about the moments after he got close to the window.

“When she said that I yanked her by the waist and pulled her up out of there,” he continued.

The newly minted hero said he had experienced a tragic situation in years past where a young girl who lived close by him at the time had died inside her apartment despite Parrish’s best efforts at a rescue.

Parrish recounted with emotion in his voice that the incident around a decade ago had instilled within him certain instincts.

“Any time I see a fire like that, and I’m able to help, I jump right on it,” he stated.

On Wednesday, Parrish talked with relief in his voice about the neighbor he saved from the flames.

“I feel great because that’s somebody’s grandma, that’s somebody’s relative,” said Parrish about the woman.

“I was happy God used me to get her up out of there,” he concluded.


Henry Thornton is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can contact him by email: [email protected] or on Twitter @HenryThornton95