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Mo Brooks: ‘The violence at the U.S. Capitol today is despicable, un-American’ — ‘Prosecute these thugs’

Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) has released a statement “unequivocally” condemning the rioters who breached the U.S. Capitol Building on Wednesday.

Brooks has been leading the congressional effort to challenge six states’ presidential electors, which had just begun when the chaos and violence erupted on Capitol Hill.

The North Alabama congressman in his statement outlined that, in America, the type of power he is exercising through the congressional process is the way to properly adjudicate disputes — rather than resorting to violence.

“The violence at the U.S. Capitol today is despicable, un-American, and tears at the fabric of our great republic,” Brooks said.

“The scenes of United States Capitol Police being violently attacked and mobs occupying the American seat of government are highly disturbing,” he continued. “Consistent with my history, I ALWAYS condemn lawlessness and violence of any kind and in the strongest terms. As a strong supporter of the Rule of Law, and as a former target of Socialist Democrat gunfire myself, I don’t care what political views motivate the violence, I hope law enforcement and our judicial system prosecute these thugs to the fullest extent of the law.”

“In America, the appropriate way to achieve political goals, the place to beat the stew out of disagreeable political philosophies, is via free speech, vigorous public debate, and at the ballot box, while always being respectful of the Rule of Law and Law Enforcement,” Brooks concluded. “While our election system has major, systemic flaws that Socialist Democrats egregiously exploited in 2020, that election system is still far and away the best place to change the direction and destiny of America.”

RELATED: Alabama elected officials denounce breach of U.S. Capitol, violence on the Hill

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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