Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) on Friday announced he will vote “no” on House Democrats’ postal bill.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) earlier this week called the House in for a special session on Saturday to consider legislation that prohibits the United States Postal Service (USPS) from implementing any operational changes.
A release from Brooks’ office denounced the bill as “conspiracy-theory-based.”
“With lies and propaganda, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Socialist Democrats seek to deceive America into believing President Trump somehow undermines the November election by opposing yet another $25 billion Postal Service bailout,” Brooks said in a statement.
“The Fake News Media obediently echoes the Socialist fraud,” he continued. “All voters have the right to go to the polls on Election Day and vote. That’s the way it’s been for centuries in America and it has worked well. It worked during the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918-1920. It works today.”
Brooks pointed to a graph that shows the post office has been consistently losing money year-after-year since the George W. Bush administration. He also noted that the Trump administration provided the USPS with a $10 billion loan recently as part of the CARES Act. This came on top of normal annual federal appropriations for the service.

“The Post Office has operated in the red for more than a decade,” Brooks commented. “Where were Socialist Democrat cries in election years 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010, and 2008? The absurdity of the Socialists argument is glaringly obvious via the smallest amount of thought.”
“I ask voters to ponder how many pieces of junk and other mail they get in their mail boxes each week,” the North Alabama congressman added. “Socialists claim the Post Office can’t handle one…ONE… additional piece of mail (mailed ballots) coming into mailboxes in a limited number of states that allow vote-by-mail. This argument is absurd. One…ONE…additional piece of mail in a limited number of states is not going to sink the Post Office nor is it something the Post Office can’t handle. Plus, in addition to what the Post Office normally receives, the Trump Administration has already loaned the Postal Service $10 billion in CARES Act money in 2020.”
Brooks remarked, “I pray America will see the truth and not fall for Socialist Democrat deception.”
“The election rigging hoax is just another in a long string of hoaxes perpetrated against the American people by Socialist Democrats. They lied in the Russia collusion witch-hunt. They lied about President Trump during impeachment, thereby undermining the U.S. Constitution. Now they lie via an absurd the ‘Post Office will collapse’ conspiracy theory. In Socialist Democrats’ minds, the ends justify the means. Like in George Orwell’s 1984, 4+4=5 to Socialist Democrats. The American people deserve better,” he concluded.
Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn