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Mo Brooks heralded as national ‘rock star’ on border security, supporting American workers

Roy Beck, founder and president of NumbersUSA, in recent days named Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) as one of only nine congressional “rock stars “for his support of enhanced border security and defending American workers.

NumbersUSA is America’s largest grassroots border security organization and overall supports lower immigration levels. The group produces grades on each sitting member of Congress every term.

Brooks has scored an “A+” grade on NumbersUSA’s border security vote evaluation for this Congress, as well as for his career since 2011.

Writing for the NumbersUSA blog, Beck said Brooks and eight other members of the House “have achieved our top distinction in challenging the status quo of immigration policies that drive down wages and increase the non-employment of American workers.”

“These nine didn’t limit themselves to challenging the destructive immigration status quo in just a few areas. Instead, they challenged the status quo across the board, including chain migration, visa lottery, rewards for illegal migration, birthright citizenship, unnecessary worker visas, and interior enforcement,” he added.

On Monday, Brooks released a lengthy statement on the recognition from NumbersUSA.

Full statement as follows:

With 8 million members, NumbersUSA is America’s largest grassroots border security organization and the leader in the fight to protect American workers from job losses and wage suppression caused by cheap foreign labor tsunamis. I’m honored to be named by NumbersUSA Founder & President Roy Beck as one of America’s nine (out of 435 Congressmen) ‘Rock Stars’ on border security issues.

America’s immigration and border security system is badly broken: chain migration, visa lottery, birthright citizenship, unnecessary worker visas, sieve-like borders for drug smugglers, and so on. American families need and deserve stronger border security and interior enforcement, merit based immigration, asylum reforms, and mandatory E-Verify. American job opportunities and wages would skyrocket if ‘Americans First’ immigration policies were enacted. I’m proud to be an ally for NumbersUSA in the fight for the immigration policies that best serve Americans.

Americans regularly rank border security as one of America’s most important issues. Rightfully so. Cheap illegal alien labor steals jobs and wages from hard-working and struggling American families. Worse yet, America’s porous southern border causes the deaths of 30,000+ Americans every single year (from illegal alien homicides and overdoses on poisonous drugs shipped across our porous southern border).

Unfortunately, America’s open-borders special interests (agriculture, construction, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and many others) put their lust for profit and political power above the interests of Americans. In 2010, I promised to stand up to these special interests and do everything I can to secure America’s borders. I have kept my promise. But, don’t take my word for it. Take the word of Roy Beck, the founder and president of America’s premier border security grassroots organization, NumbersUSA. NumbersUSA has examined Congress’s border security records and concluded that, over the past decade, no Member of Congress has stood stronger for American workers and families than has Mo Brooks.

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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