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Mo Brooks continues to be smeared by Democrats in Congress (without evidence), may list their actions as in-kind contributions to future campaign

U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) gave a speech six hours before the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, and Democrats are not about to forget it.

Just this week, U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) called for two new investigations into Brooks.

While this may play well among the media and their Democrats, Brooks sees this as an attempt to silence conservatives across the board and believes the ramifications of that behavior could be huge.

Since that day, allegations of having a hand in the riot, a lawsuit and multiple calls for investigations have been brought forward. All of these matters have been reported, yet no evidence of actual wrongdoing has been presented.

The idea that a speech — hours before the mob attacked the U.S. Capitol — in which Brooks said American patriots are going to start “taking down names and kicking ass” is somehow criminal incitement or actionable is just silly.

For reference, the turn of phrase is so common it is mocked in “Avengers: Infinity War.”

During a Friday interview on WVNN in Huntsville, Brooks pointed out that all of this talk of investigations, censure and expulsion by members of Congress is really just an attempt to silence him.

“[T]hey also want to attack and suppress freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of the rights to petition your government with your grievances,” Brooks said on “The Dale Jackson Show.”

He warns this doesn’t stop with him.

“[I]t’s all a part of this overall strategy to exercise dictatorial power,” Brooks advised.

When asked about reports that he has not responded to an attempt to sue him in federal court by U.S. Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), Brooks noted that he has not been served with the lawsuit yet. The failure of service seems odd, as Brooks and Swalwell currently worked together.

Brooks believes Swalwell’s real motive is campaign fundraising, but the Alabama congressman might actually credit Swalwell with helping his campaign for reelection to the House or his speculated U.S. Senate race in 2022.

When asked about Swalwell inadvertently helping him, Brooks said he looked into declaring Swalwell’s behavior as an in-kind campaign contribution.

He said, “You can get in trouble if you do not disclose an in-kind contribution. You can get in trouble if you falsely disclose an in-kind contribution.”

Brooks knows Swalwell is not trying to help him. He thinks all of this is to distract from Swalwell’s dalliances with a Chinese spy, and one of his motivations is to raise money.

Whether that works for Swalwell will be seen later, but Brooks admits it has helped him.

“It’s definitely a boost to my campaign. I don’t think it was his intent, but it’s definitely an outside expenditure that has helped tremendously,” Brooks stated.

My takeaway:

There are a few things that are obvious here.

Brooks did nothing wrong here. He was exercising his First Amendment right to free speech and assembly; a riot six hours later that he was not a part of is not his fault.

Brooks says there was no coordination between himself and rioters. The media has been driving that narrative just like they drove the idea that once the Trump-Russia reports were out that it would be clear that collusion took place.

This, like the claims of Russian collusion, is all a giant coordinated lie presented without evidence or scrutiny.

But the media still has these same known liars (Swalwell included), who were discredited by those assertions, on their airwaves to now push this narrative.

The reporting on this matter, as it was with the Russian collusion, is based on unnamed sources and unverified assertions.

And, make no mistake — Brooks is benefiting here.

The baseless, unsubstantiated and lazy attacks by the media and their Democrats will only fuel his campaigns with attention, which will lead to donations and votes.

Brooks should thank all of these irresponsible actors by listing their contributions to his campaigns for the world to see and start calling them out by name.


Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 AM weekdays on WVNN.

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