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Mo Brooks blasts media for ‘silencing’ Trump’s voter fraud warning

Last week, Donald Trump stirred controversy when he claimed that “millions” of votes were fraudulently cast against him. While many have sought to discredit the claim, Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks says that Trump’s warning should not be brushed off so fast.

During a speech on the House floor, Rep. Brooks called the media to task for attempting to squash credible reports of voter fraud.

“As would be expected, a circus of left-wing, media pundits immediately pounced on President-elect Trump’s opinion in an effort to silence serious discussion of the noncitizen voter fraud problem,” Rep. Brooks said.

He cited a 2014 study by professors at Old Dominion University and George Mason University, who estimated that noncitizens vote for Democrats 80 percent of the time.

“Does anyone really expect Democrats and their media and pundit allies to object to or scrutinize illegal votes that may be the deciding factor in the election of Democrat candidates?” he asked.

The Alabama Congressman went on to say that attacks on “commonsense” voter I.D. laws, brought by liberal groups like the League of Women Voters, obscure the ability to ensure that elections are fully secure.

“We will never know for sure if hundreds of thousands or millions of noncitizens voted in the 2016 elections. Worse yet, if the left-wing media and pundits continue to summarily dismiss and turn a blind eye to the problem, it will be harder to stop future elections from being stolen.”

Meanwhile, Alabama Secretary of State has assured voters that mass numbers of fraudulent votes did not slip by the state system.

“We have not seen any level of inconsistency which would indicate that there is a need for concern where there has been a large number of people who have been registered to vote who should not be registered to vote,” Merrill said. “We have not seen any level of inconsistency which would indicate that there is a need for concern. Everybody wants honest and fair.

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