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Meadows wins Republican nomination in Alabama’s House District 74

MONTGOMERY — Charlotte Meadows on Tuesday won the special Republican primary runoff election in Alabama’s House District 74.

Meadows garnered 3,800 votes (55.06%), with Michael Fritz getting 3,101 votes (44.94%). Turnout was 22.34% of the registered voters in the district.

Meadows will run against Rayford Mack in the special general election for HD 74 on November 12.

Alabama Speaker of the House Mac McCutcheon (R-Monrovia) released a statement after Fritz conceded on Tuesday night. McCutcheon said he will be behind Meadows in the general.

“Both Michael Fritz and Charlotte Meadows should be commended for running positive, issues-driven campaigns that avoided negative attacks and adhered to President Reagan’s famous 11th Commandment,” the speaker advised. “Charlotte has my full support in the general election, and I know she will prove to be a valuable addition to the Alabama House.”

Alabama Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan also commended Meadows and said the ALGOP will back her as the nominee.

“On behalf of the Alabama Republican Party, congratulations to Charlotte Meadows on becoming our party’s nominee,” Lathan stated. “We are looking forward to working with her to ensure this seat remains in the Republican column.”

Provisional ballots will be counted on September 3 and certification of votes will occur on September 4.

Additionally, Fritz released a statement Tuesday night announcing his support of Meadows in the general and saying he was proud of his campaign.

“I couldn’t be prouder of the work our team put in throughout this runoff election,” Fritz commented. “It looks like we’re going to finish at about 45% of the vote, but when you look at how many votes we got versus dollars we spent our vote total is not something we’re going hang our heads over. At the same time, we didn’t win tonight; Charlotte Meadows did.”

“I want to congratulate Charlotte for conducting a clean, well-run race,” he concluded. “She has my full support as the Republican nominee in the general election. I feel sure Charlotte will serve the citizens of District 74 with the same tenacity and grace she exhibited during the campaign.”

The HD 74 runoff was held on the same day as Montgomery’s municipal elections.

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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