Jim Hill: Motion to dismiss Democrat Doug Jones for opposing conservative judges

Judge Jim Hill

It is time for the people of Alabama to file a “motion to dismiss” Democrat Senator Doug Jones from office.

Time and time again, Jones has consistently opposed conservative judges that have been nominated to the bench by President Donald Trump, and with each vote he has failed to represent the wishes of Alabamians from Muscle Shoals to Mobile Bay while siding, instead, with Democrats in liberal locales like New York and California.

Four powerful words helped elect President Trump in 2016: “United States Supreme Court,” because Americans dedicated to the honest and strict interpretation of the Constitution as it was written recognized the importance of appointing and confirming conservative justices.

And when considering the president’s most significant and lasting accomplishments during this tenure in the White House, the two that stand tallest are his appointments of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Justice Brett Kavanaugh, two reliably conservative jurists will have the opportunity to serve on the court for decades to come.

Jones, to his indelible dishonor, cast his vote against Kavanaugh’s nomination and joined with his fellow democrats in the coordinated character attack against the nominee and his family.

It is reported that Jones told the Washington Post in 2017 that he would have voted against Gorsuch had he been serving in the Senate when the vote was taken.

But Jones’ opposition to Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are just two examples in his record of opposition to President Trump’s conservative nominees to the Federal bench.

Often claiming that he is a “moderate” who works toward bipartisanship in the Senate, Jones even voted against the nomination of a fellow Alabamian, Federal District Judge Andrew Brasher, so, apparently, his “One Alabama” campaign slogan does not apply to qualified jurists who happen to be conservative.

The time has come for us to elect a senator who will reflect the conservative beliefs, values and principles that most of us in Alabama hold dear.

The next four years could provide the opportunity to appoint Supreme Court Justices and there will be other Federal Judges appointed. Those individuals will play a large role in determining the course of our country far into the future.

Unlike Doug Jones, Coach Tuberville will be a committed and conservative ally for President Trump and Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s efforts to confirm strict constructionists, and in the unfortunate case of a Biden presidency, he will stand in the breach against the confirmation of activist judges who attempt to invent new laws from the bench rather than merely interpreting the ones that exist.

Several challenges to the Roe v. Wade abortion ruling are making their way to the U.S. Supreme Court along with cases involving gun control, religious liberty, Obamacare and numerous other issues that are important to the conservative cause.

The difference between the candidates could not be more stark.

Seemingly, Doug Jones will support only so-called “progressive” judicial nominees who adhere to the agenda of the 21st Century Democrat Party while Coach Tuberville will stand with judicial nominees who support the traditional conservative position on constitutional matters.

If you desire a conservative court in the mold of Brett Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas, your choice is Coach Tommy Tuberville, but if ultra-liberal justices like Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor are more to your liking, Democrat Doug Jones is your man.

I have made my choice and will proudly case my vote for Coach Tommy Tuberville on November 3. If issues like protecting unborn life, preserving the Second Amendment and preventing the erosion of religious freedoms are important to you, then I encourage you to join me in doing the same.

Jim Hill retired after a distinguished legal career that included service as a district judge in St. Clair County and then as a circuit judge for the Alabama 30th Judicial Circuit. He currently serves as chairman of the Judiciary Committee in the Alabama House of Representatives.