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Jessica Taylor joined on campaign trail by national pro-life advocate Marilyn Musgrave

Jessica Taylor, a candidate for Alabama’s Second Congressional District, campaigned in Dothan on Tuesday alongside Marilyn Musgrave, the vice president of Government Affairs for the Susan B. Anthony List.

After they left their last event, the pair phoned Yellowhammer News for a joint interview to talk about why the voters who go to the polls in less than a week should consider voting for the businesswoman from Prattville.

Musgrave said she wants to see the staunchly pro-life Taylor in Congress so the Alabamian can “lead on the issue and speak in a way that only women can speak on the life issue.”

The Susan B. Anthony List is one of America’s most prominent pro-life organizations. Musgrave joined the group’s staff after representing Colorado’s fourth district for three terms in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Musgrave detailed to Yellowhammer how in recent years the group has played a major role in communicating public support for conservative judges appointed by President Donald Trump.

According to the former representative, the SBA List also successfully lobbied the Trump administration to lock-in support for retaining the Hyde Amendment which prevents any federal money from being spent on abortions.

“I’m so grateful we have the most pro-life president ever,” added Musgrave.

Taylor said the voters in the Wiregrass had enjoyed their visit with Musgrave. She said they “were thrilled to have somebody from the national stage come down and talk with us.”

The Susan B. Anthony List has also been a public supporter of two other female Republican pro-life leaders in Alabama; Governor Kay Ivey and the person who holds the seat Taylor seeks, Rep. Martha Roby (R-Montgomery).

“We’ve had a friend like in congress like no other with Martha Roby. Jessica will fill those shoes very well,” promised Musgrave.

Taylor’s commitment to pro-life policies began before her run for office. She has been on the board of the River Region Pregnancy Center for multiple years, including recent service as its president.

Taylor spoke proudly of the work she had done helping the center procure an ultrasound machine.

“Now these women can see their babies,” stated Taylor. “It is important to me we teach women that all life is precious, and that abortion should not be an option.”

“What we really want is women who will lead on life … her work at the pregnancy care center speaks volumes. She is pro-life, she is pro-woman,” commented Musgrave.

Yellowhammer asked Taylor what events in her life had led her to committing so strongly to the pro-life movement.

“Certainly the birth of my three children, and getting to hold those precious babies in my hand just really solidified that,” she replied.

“She not only talks the talk, she walks the walk. That is powerful. I love the fact a young, pro-life woman will go to Congress and lead on this issue,” added Musgrave.

Henry Thornton is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can contact him by email: [email protected] or on Twitter @HenryThornton95.

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