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Jerry Carl: Biden’s misplaced priorities

During his first week in office, President Biden has begun reviving failed Obama-era policies, rather than working in a bipartisan manner to move America forward. Republicans have proven that we are willing to come to the table and negotiate bipartisan compromises that will strengthen our nation and help American families, but the president has chosen to bypass Congress and work through executive orders to accomplish his goals. Delivering targeted relief to American families, ultimately defeating the coronavirus pandemic, and rebuilding our economy in the aftermath of the pandemic should be the president’s highest priorities, but instead, his actions further divide America and weaken our defenses.

President Biden has taken credit for President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed plan by saying the plan never existed before he took office. However, Operation Warp Speed is the reason for an average of nearly 1 million vaccinations a day before President Biden took office. While I support the president’s decision to continue Operation Warp Speed, I am deeply disappointed that his priorities have been directed anywhere but defeating this pandemic.

Rejoining the Paris Climate Accord eliminates thousands of American jobs and gives China a competitive advantage over America’s energy industry. This agreement comes with a huge price tag – roughly $500 billion, which translates to about $1,500 per family. Canceling the Keystone XL Pipeline project further cripples America’s energy industry by eliminating American energy jobs, moving America further away from energy independence, and denying Americans access to affordable energy. Blocking funding for the border wall and granting mass amnesty for 11 million people creates a disastrous national security threat. Finally, pledging to reverse the Mexico City Policy, which currently prohibits American aid money from funding groups that perform or promote abortion, will drive up the number and rate of abortions around the globe.

President Biden campaigned on the promise of being a president for all Americans, but so far all he has done is eliminate jobs and enact reckless immigration policies. Unfortunately, he has not shown a willingness to work with Congress to get people back to work, get our kids back in school, and deliver vaccines to people who want them. Now is the time for him to work more closely with Congress instead of ruling through executive orders and actions.

Jerry Carl represents Alabama’s First Congressional District. He lives in Mobile with his wife Tina.

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