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Jeff Sessions: The questionable investigations into President Trump can ‘absolutely be a criminal act’

Although much of the news spotlight is on the coronavirus epidemic, there have been new emerging details in regards to the investigations into the Donald Trump presidential campaign, and in particular the treatment of Gen. Michael Flynn, President Trump’s original national security adviser.

It is becoming increasingly clear that as new evidence emerges, Michael Flynn was targeted and railroaded because of his proximity to Trump, and it worked.

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions joined Huntsville’s WVNN on Tuesday to comment on these new developments on the latest of the investigation into the investigation.

When asked on “The Dale Jackson Show” if these prosecutions, like in the case of Flynn, were politically motivated, Sessions agreed that they were.

Sessions drew parallels between the potentially corrupted investigation and how Watergate forced the FBI and intelligence community to re-evaluate how they handled politically centered investigations, making sure that they did not have political biases.

He added that it is clear today to him that people at the top of the intelligence communities “lost those lessons.”

Sessions also agreed that the reputation of the FBI has taken a hit and he was glad to play a role in cleaning that up. He highlighted his firing of now-former FBI Director James Comey and now-former FBI Deputy Director Andy McCabe, as well as the many investigations that are still ongoing, but added that there will be “an opportunity for the FBI to rebuild its reputation after this completes.”

Sessions applauded the job Attorney General Bill Barr is doing to get to the truth, saying, “Attorney General Barr is doing exactly the right thing.”

He also added that unlike Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who did not have the power to bring charges or investigate anyone outside of current DOJ officials, federal prosecutor John Durham can, and is investigating.

“Mr. Durham will be looking at this to see if anyone committed crimes in the course of these investigations,” Sessions stated.

When asked point-blank if the politically motivated investigations into President Trump could be criminal acts, Sessions responded that they, “absolutely can be a criminal act.”

My takeaway:

Sessions was clearly obviously right to fire both Comey and McCabe, and he’s right that the FBI will need to rebuild its reputation. But it is becoming abundantly clear that the American people want more than some bureaucrats to just lose their jobs and then go get new cushy jobs with CNN or MSNBC.

They need to be charged if they broke the law.

It is becoming a common attack from the Tuberville faithful that Sessions was not tough enough in going after these bad actors. That’s not true.

Sessions appointed John Huber to investigate Hillary Clinton and the Uranium One scandal, and he has consistently expressed his support that John Durham seeks criminal prosecutions when necessary.

It is worth noting that Sessions’ recusal on the Russian matters was appropriate and right and that the investigations he launched into that investigation were on target, as well.

Sessions should get the credit he’s due.

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Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 AM weekdays on WVNN.

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