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Ivey: I’m voting for Trump, Tuberville today

Governor Kay Ivey on Tuesday morning interviewed on Talk 99.5’s “Matt & Aunie Show” minutes ahead of voting in the 2020 general election.

Ivey said, “This is a huge, historic Election Day in the state of Alabama and across our nation.”

“I just want to encourage everybody to go to the polls, if you haven’t already voted absentee, go to the polls and cast your vote,” she continued. “And I’m proud to say that I’ll be casting my vote for the reelection of President Trump. He’s been a strong partner with our state, and I look forward to him serving in that capacity for his second term.”

Co-host Matt Murphy subsequently mentioned reports of long lines already at traditionally Republican precincts across the Yellowhammer State. He asked the governor, “I know in addition to wanting to cast their ballot for Donald Trump, I believe just based on what we’ve seen, that a lot of them want to elect Tommy Tuberville to the United States Senate to replace Doug Jones — they feel like he does not best reflect our values and what we would like to see in a United States Senator. Are you seeing and hearing the same thing?”

“Yes I am,” Ivey responded. “And I’ll be voting for Tommy Tuberville, because it’s important that Republicans keep control — have the majority — in the Senate.”

“When we keep control of the Senate, we ensure that we’ll have Senator Shelby, our senior senator, remain as chair of the [Senate Committee on Appropriations], and that’s important,” the governor continued. “He does a lot for Alabama.”

“I’ll be voting for President Trump, and Tommy Tuberville for U.S. Senator,” she concluded.

Polls are open until 7:00 p.m. CT on Tuesday.

RELATED: What to look for on Tuesday’s 2020 general election ballot

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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