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Independent poll shows Tuberville leading Jones by 17 points, Trump over Biden by 22 points

An independent poll released on Tuesday showed blowouts brewing in Alabama’s 2020 U.S. Senate and presidential contests.

Morning Consult, a national data company, polled multiple states, including Alabama, from July 24 through August 2.

In the Yellowhammer State, 609 likely voters were surveyed, with a margin of error of plus or minus 4%.

The results showed 58% saying they would vote for President Donald Trump’s reelection, while only 36% indicated they would instead be voting for former Vice President Joe Biden. Another 4% of respondents either did not know who they would vote for or had no opinion.

In the state’s Senate race, the Republican candidate was also dominant, despite facing a well-funded incumbent.

GOP nominee Tommy Tuberville was preferred by 52% of respondents, compared to 35% expressing their intent to vote for U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-AL). In this matchup, 9% of respondents either did not know who they would vote for or had no opinion.

Morning Consult provided a breakdown of the Senate survey results by each respondent’s political affiliation.

One interesting takeaway was Tuberville leading Jones with independents, 34% to 27%.

In an email to supporters on Tuesday after the poll was released, Jones’ campaign senior advisor Joe Trippi said there is “[n]o way in hell” Jones is down by 17 points. He added, “There is no way in hell Doug Jones is down by even double digits, much less 17 points. No way – period.”

However, the only polling in Jones’ favor consistently cited by his campaign is an internal poll conducted May 14-18 that showed Tuberville leading 47%-44% over Alabama’s junior senator.

Another independent poll conducted during the GOP primary runoff, this one by Cygnal, showed Tuberville leading Jones 49.70% to 35.70%.

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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