As a conservative Christian, an elected official, and a registered voter, I remain angry that a Star Chamber of biased and unaccountable judges have effectively removed Chief Justice Roy Moore from office for a second time.
Providing guidance and information to judges throughout the court system was among Moore’s duties as chief justice, and as he testified, the order he sent was simply meant to fulfill that obligation. Public officials are supposed to be removed from office for neglecting their duties, not for fulfilling them.
Because of the unjust punishment levied upon the chief justice for his moral stand, I will explore sponsoring a constitutional amendment that reforms the Court of the Judiciary, forces its members to be accountable for their decisions, and demands that an honest, ethical, and unbiased process be used in its deliberations,
But Chief Justice Moore’s removal from office is about more than just his actions, it is about the determined effort by the liberal media, left-wing politicians, and assorted fringe groups to erase the morals, traditions, and values upon which our nation was founded. It is about the movement to erase our religious freedoms, remove God from our lives, and secularize everything that surrounds us. It is about preventing Godly men among us from holding positions of public influence.
In Obergefell v. Hodges, the U.S. Supreme Court found that gay marriage is constitutional, but that ruling cannot turn a union that is inherently immoral into one that is moral. The Bible instructs us that true marriage is a holy covenant that is blessed and endowed by God, and it can occur only between a man and a woman.
While a member of the House of Representatives, I’ll pledge to pick up Chief Justice Moore’s mantle and continue the fight for the morals and values that made our nation the greatest on earth. I’ll oppose the liberals who want my three young children to grow up in a world that believes men can become women by simply changing the way they dress and that police officers are an enemy to be reviled rather than heroes to be celebrated. And I’ll stand in the breech against those who dream of a godless society where morals are optional and sin is not only celebrated, but encouraged.
You have my word on that.