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Hate Mail of the Week: Environmentalist Edition

Hate Mail of the Week
” is a weekly feature on Yellowhammer Politics in which some of the hate mail submitted through our contact page or in response to our email blasts is published exactly as it was received. The only edits made are to remove expletives — this is a family show, after all.

If you feel like you hate this site, or me, more than the people below — you’re welcome to share your thoughts and feelings here. But at least be creative.


“Keep close to Nature’s heart… and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.” You know who said that? John Muir who singlehandedly changed the world when he founded the Sierra Club. You need to open your heart to nature. Allow yourself to be lost in the vastness of its being. Raping the earth will only hasten the decent of mankind. She gave us her water, her wind, and the solar system gave us her Sun. But you still insist on stealing her innocence.


For someone who claims to believe in God you sure don’t give a [expletive] about “his” creation. In your belief system, got gave you the trees and the earth. It’s bad enough that we have to fight the corporations to save Alabama. Now we’re having to fight people like you who think you matter because technology gives you a voice.


Protecting the environment is the civil rights issue of our time. That makes you Bull Connor [expletive].


The way you talked about the alabama environmental council’s power up event was rude and demeaning. David Roundtree is the only person on the public service commission who has listened to us. His advice to commissioner member Dunn is the only thing standing between the strip miners and the land we should pass down to our children. Bahá’u’lláh said “Ye are the fruits of one tree, and the leaves of one branch.” That means all of humanity. We come from different culture but must share this same earth. Is money more important than saving the earth we have been given?

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