‘Gun control’ may be popular, but eventually its proponents will have to explain what it means

A popular refrain in American politics today is that “Americans want stricter gun laws.”

Is that true? Sort of.

NPR released the following poll results:

60% of Americans want “stricter gun laws.”

85% of Democrats want “stricter gun laws.”

58% of independents want “stricter gun laws.”

39% of Republicans want “stricter gun laws.”

But what does that mean?

Here is what the “March for Our Lives” proponents have started pushing for in something they called the “Peace Plan.”

It is a wishlist of ideas, some popular, some unpopular. Some of the ideas are unconstitutional and most are ineffective feel-good ideas or vindictive uses of the federal government power to punish their enemies.

Do Americans want gun registry and licensing?

The CNN report of the “Peace Plan” states, “The first prong of the plan calls for legislation that would ‘raise the national standard for gun ownership’ through several mechanisms, including a national licensing and registry system.

Yes, 70% of Americans favor “Requiring all privately-owned guns to be registered with the police.”

This is unconstitutional.

How about a handgun ban?

The CNN report explains, “The plan calls for a review of the 2008 Supreme Court decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which overturned a ban on handguns in the nation’s capital and upheld the view that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to own a gun for personal use.”

No, a 2018 poll says 71% oppose that.

But the request is for a “review” of the ruling by who?

“By directing the Justice Department to review the decision and ensuring the next generation of federal judges appointed by the President have ‘a different interpretation of the Second Amendment,’” the report outlines.

So, a litmus test to all future judges in order to change the 2nd Amendment to only appoint people that will declare what is currently unconstitutional is now constitutional?

Aren’t these the same people who scream about precedent and demand that the Roe v. Wade ruling be held as an untouchable benchmark in American history?

How about a punishing of their political opponents with the force of government?

The CNN report says, “The plan also calls for the investigation of the National Rifle Association by the Federal Election Commission and the Internal Revenue Service.”

This is a stunning request here. There is no indication the NRA is out breaking laws, but gun-grabbers want to use government entities to take them on?

This mentality is exactly why the 2nd Amendment exists.

Tyranny, even by the majority, is still tyranny.

Shouldn’t we be wary when the same people that want to punish you for wrong-think also want to talk about gun registries and gun-confiscation?

The “no one wants your guns” charade is over.

Make no mistake, these people want your guns.

Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 am weekdays on WVNN.