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‘God’s on our side’: Tuberville says 2022 is final chance to save America from being ‘too far gone’

MONTGOMERY — U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) on Saturday addressed the 2021 Winter Meeting of the Alabama Republican Party.

He delivered an update on his first two months in office, decrying what Democratic-control of both legislative chambers and the executive branch means for the country.

Tuberville noted that between now and when he next is able to speak to the ALGOP during their August summer meeting, “[Y]ou’re going to be shocked what’s going to happen to this country.”

“And it’s already happening,” he continued. “Folks, we’re in trouble. But I’m speaking to the choir here. I’m speaking to the group that wants God in our schools, that wants to go with the Constitution, that wants to have small government. They are just the opposite. And now we gave them the reins and they’re going to build on that like you’ve never seen.”

The freshman senator warned that Alabamians should brace for their taxes to go up and gas prices to continue rising due to Democrats’ rule.

“How they got control, I don’t know,” the Lee County resident said. “But we have got to fight. We can’t lay down; we can’t say we can’t do anything about it. In this state, we can continue to grow and keep sending conservative congressmen, senators, state legislators … everybody, local governments, school boards.”

He then stressed the critical importance of local governance on citizens’ daily lives, encouraging people “to take care of your neighborhoods” and greater communities across the Yellowhammer State.

“Run for office, stand up for something. Because if we don’t, we’re going to lose. Our kids are not going to have the same thing that you and I had growing up,” Tuberville urged.

“It’s scary,” he added. “I told everybody on the campaign trail, ‘We’re in trouble.’ I didn’t really realize how much we were in trouble. It’s bad.”

The Republican subsequently spoke about being on the Senate floor on January 6, “when all heck broke loose.”

“I was embarrassed,” he remarked. “If that was people that were conservative, God-loving Republicans, they were wrong. Because we gave them something to talk about. There’s been 225 riots in this country. People have been killed, $200 million worth of businesses burned. Nobody says anything. But if we went up there and did that, which a lot of people did, that’s all they talk about. And it put us in a bind. We’re going to fight back; we know better — we do it the right way.”

He encouraged Republicans to work hard at building party infrastructure and new coalitions ahead of 2022.

“Folks, we’ve only got one more chance,” Tuberville stated. “One more chance and it’ll be too far gone. But, God’s on our side. Pray every day. Believe in your state, your community, your schools. It’s going to work out fine. But there’ll be a lot of bumps down the road.”

“I’m going to vote for you every time there’s a vote,” he reiterated to the people of Alabama. “We’re going to vote the right way.”

“I promise you I’m going to do God’s work and think about you every day,” Tuberville pledged.

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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