Over the weekend the controversial practice of kneeling during the national anthem, that has been linked to NFL viewer decline, struck again. This time it wasn’t just one or two players, it was entire teams. This includes the Baltimore Ravens and Alabama native and former Crimson Tide standout, C.J. Mosley.
As the Facebook photo above shows, Mosley took a knee locking arms with future Hall of Fame Linebacker Ray Lewis, in street clothes.
A practice that was made popular last year by free agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick, kneeling stormed back into the spotlight after President Trump slammed players for their controversial form of protest. While in Huntsville campaigning for Sen. Luther Strange, President Trump left little doubt over his disdain for taking a knee during the country’s national anthem.
The protest wasn’t isolated to the Ravens’ roster. Players across the league took part, some refusing to leave the locker room until the anthem had concluded. As a result, the nation has become divided on the issue. Few disagree that players have a Constitutional right to protest, but many view the act as blatant disrespect for the men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice.