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Doug Jones receives 82.7% of individual contributions from out-of-state in Q3

U.S. Senator Doug Jones’ (D-AL) reelection campaign has filed its financial disclosure covering the third quarter of 2020, and the latest report reinforced that Jones is receiving an overwhelming majority of his funding from outside of Alabama.

Yellowhammer News, as in past quarters, analyzed the report that was filed with the FEC on Thursday and covers July 1 – September 30.

Jones received a total of $10,439,023.69 and spent $11,312,487.72, for a burn rate of 108.37%. This left the junior senator with $7,909,639.98 on hand at the end of Q3.

Looking specifically at the itemized individual contributions Jones reported in the period, which totaled $4,485,985.08, Jones raised 82.70% from out-of-state ($3,709,951.87) compared to 17.30% ($776,033.21) from Alabamians.

Jones raised more in itemized individual contributions from residents of California alone ($975,778.20) than from his own home state.

Combined, funds from California, New York and the Washington, D.C. area accounted for 41.22% of Jones’ total itemized individual contributions.

Looking at Jones’ individual itemized contributors themselves, 41.78% self-identified as being “not employed.” An additional 5.74% reported being “retired.”

As far as contributors with jobs, Big Tech seems to love Jones. He received $11,802.47 from Facebook employees and $37,844.89 from Google employees. Google was Jones’ largest employer source for individual contributors, while Facebook was fourth.

In addition to individual itemized contributions, Jones also received a hefty sum, $645,332.24, from PACs and joint fundraising committees during the period. This included $49,600 from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) and $68,240.23 from the Green Senate Victory Fund, a fundraising apparatus comprised of national environmental groups that support the Green New Deal.

It is important to note that these numbers only include direction contributions to Jones’ campaign itself and does not account for expenditures made by PACs on behalf of Jones’ campaign.

In a statement Friday, National Republican Senatorial Committee spokesperson Paige Lindgren said Jones’ out-of-state fundraising and large spending still have him down double-digits to Republican nominee Tommy Tuberville ahead of the November 3 general election.

“Despite his best efforts, anti-Trump Democrat Doug Jones’ message is not resonating in Alabama,” stated Lindgren. “Alabamians want someone who will accurately represent conservative values in the Senate. Jones has proven he is only interested in serving his party, not his constituents, and he’s running out of time and money to change anything in this race.”

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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