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Donald Trump becomes first presidential candidate to accept crypto donations

President Donald Trump has become the first ever presidential candidate to accept cryptocurrency as a form of payment for donators to his campaign. Just weeks ago at a Mar-a-Lago gala, Trump declared himself the “crypto candidate” and appears to be following through on it after promising to get it done.

In an official statement, the Trump campaign attacked those trying to limit cryptocurrency and the financial freedom of Americans.

“The effort to reduce the control of government on an American’s financial decision-making is part of a seismic shift toward freedom. Today’s announcement reflects President Trump’s commitment to an agenda that values freedom over socialistic government control,” the campaign said.

Biden surrogate Elizabeth Warren said in an attack on cryptocurrency that she was building an “anti-crypto army” to restrict Americans’ right to make their own financial choices. MAGA supporters, now with a new cryptocurrency option, will build a crypto army moving the campaign to victory on November 5th!”

Earlier today, Yahoo Finance reported that Trump is working with Bitcoin Magazine CEO David Bailey on a “day 1” policy move which would have an impact on crypto traders.

“For the past month we have been working with the Trump campaign to develop their bitcoin and crypto policy agenda. We proposed a comprehensive executive order for President Donald Trump to sign on day 1. I will be sharing those details soon. This week Trump took the first step, but there is much work to do. We intend to raise a $100m war chest for the campaign to insure the next President of the United States is pro Bitcoin,” Bailey tweeted.

Michael Brauner is a Senior Sports Analyst and Contributing Writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @MBraunerWNSP

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