Del Marsh wants to allow Alabamians to help build border wall

Having grown tired of Washington’s lack of progress on funding a border wall, Alabama Senate leader Del Marsh (R-Anniston) wants to give Alabamians a chance to make their own contributions to the effort.

According to his office, Marsh prefiled a bill which would put into Alabama law the option for taxpayers to check a box on their tax returns should they want to donate to We Build the Wall, Inc.

“It is obvious that many people in the Federal government have little desire to address border security, so this is an easy way for people in Alabama, if they choose, to check a box and make a donation in support of building a border wall,” Marsh said.

Marsh has little doubt in his mind where people’s priorities lie right now, he shared.

“As I talk to people in my district and around the state, border security is the number one thing I hear about,” he added. “This is obviously an issue that has people very concerned and one that needs to be addressed.”

In addition to simply checking a box, taxpayers would be able to designate a specific amount of money they want to contribute to the fund.

We Build the Wall Inc. is the non-profit which was created by Air Force veteran Brian Kolfage to raise money to build the wall along the United States border with Mexico for national security purposes.

Marsh expects to take up the issue once Alabama’s legislative session begins March 5.

Tim Howe is an owner and editor of Yellowhammer News.