WASHINGTON — Several conservative opinion leaders are circulating lists of prominent Donald J. Trump supporters, including some from Alabama, and vowing to “blackball” them from the conservative movement in the years to come.
“Call it a boycott, call it a blackball, call it a blacklist, call it whatever you want,” said Amanda Carpenter, a CNN contributor and former communications director for Senator Ted Cruz. “I’m done with these folks and other conservatives should be, too. Anyone who will defend a man condoning random acts of violence at his rallies has lost his morals; he will defend anything at all.”
Carpenter’s Alabama list includes Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), who endorsed Trump at a massive rally in North Alabama and was subsequently named chairman of Trump’s National Security Advisory Committee. In addition to Sessions, Carpenter also “blacklisted” Alabama State Representatives Jim Carns, Ed Henry, Tim Wadsworth and Barry Moore, each of whom has endorsed the billionaire businessman.
Representative Moore took to Facebook to respond to his name being included on the list.
I was one of the first state elected officials to endorse Trump. Agree with me or not I find the effort to block free speech and shut down rallies extremely troubling. I have yet to hear a racist remark from Mr Trump. But it’s always the first card the left plays. Subsequently, these paid activists show up and try to take others rights away! (So tolerant of them). Not in this country — not now, not ever. The answer for opposition to free speech is more free speech. I’m glad Mr. King had free speech, aren’t you? I’m glad Mr. Reagan had free speech, aren’t you? I’m glad Abe Lincoln had free speech, and Billy Graham, and on and on and on. Let’s make America great again. Return our nation to its founding principles, restore freedoms and limit government. Let’s bring opportunity to all and not try to guarantee outcomes that are equal. Let individuals excel and endeavor in whatever they choose, stop demonizing and start producing. Let’s make America great again let’s take our freedoms back and share them with the world.
Matt Walsh of Glenn Beck’s TheBlaze, also created a “list of cowardly Trump shills who should be shunned,” which included Sen. Jeff Sessions.
Message to conservative Trump shills who sold the movement out and bowed before Trump: we will never forget, and we don't want you back.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) March 5, 2016
Trump has earned 673 delegates to this point, 600 short of the number needed to secure the GOP nomination going into the Republican National Convention in July. Cruz is within striking distance with 411, but it is becoming increasingly unlikely that any candidate will reach the 1,273 delegate threshold ahead of the convention.
A contested convention has not taken place since 1976 when Gerald Ford ultimately held of Ronald Reagan to secure the nomination. Governor John Kasich has hired several operatives who were involved in that convention, and other candidates are gearing up for a fight, as well.
The convention will take place July 18–21 in Cleveland, Ohio.