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Conservative MSNBC pundit takes on Alabama’s controversies’ potential impact on 2020

In modern outrage culture, we are told that every little controversy is going to upend the 2020 elections and hand the victory to Democrats.

This is not just some liberal talking point either. Republicans love to say it as well.

We heard it with Roy Moore, and we are hearing it with the Alabama abortion ban.

MSNBC contributor Noah Rothman touched on both of these issues in a Wednesday appearance on WVNN’s “The Dale Jackson Show” and stated he doesn’t think either actually will have much of an impact.

On Roy Moore, who is weighing another run for Senate, Rothman believes that it is basically an Alabama story that motivates people in Alabama to come out and vote. But in 2020, Rothman said his impact outside of Alabama is minimal, referring to it as the “Todd Akin syndrome.”

He outlined, “I don’t think Roy Moore animates people in other states to come out and vote.”

The Alabama abortion ban is different. Rothman noted even the Republican establishment views it as a “net loser,” citing RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel’s statements.

But he believes the abortion bans in Alabama and elsewhere will “energize Democratic voters because it’s a legislative issue, not a court issue.”

My takeaway:

Whether or not Democrats are motivated by these issues in 2020 remains to be seen, but it could all depend on how far they are willing to go the other way on social issues as well.

Recently, Illinois approved a pro-abortion bill that will allow an abortion at any time for any reason, and provisions like that are unpopular across the board. This bill is more extreme than the bill passed in New York, as it has no restriction on abortion at all.

The real impact might be measured with how the mainstream media frames the issues it chooses to cover. If they choose, as a monolith, to continue to treat restriction on abortions as attacks on women and pro-abortion bills as an act of women’s liberation, Democrats will benefit.

As usual, it appears the media and their Democrats are working together to place their issues front and center in the best possible light, facts be damned.


Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 am weekdays on WVNN.

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