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Rumors & Rumblings

"Rumors and Rumblings" is a weekly feature that runs each Wednesday. It includes short nuggets of information that we glean from conversations throughout the...

Internet sales tax bill advancing in D.C.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Alabama Senators Jeff Sessions and Richard Shelby voted on Monday for the Marketplace Fairness Act, a measure that would enable localities...

Alabama delegation punches above its weight

Alabama's congressional delegation is ranked the sixteenth most powerful in the country in Roll Call's latest "Clout Index," which scores the influence each state...

Who will be the next finance director?

The Governor's office announced last week that State Finance Director Marquita Davis is resigning to take a job as director of the Jefferson County...

Heritage Foundation report eviscerates Gang of Eight immigration reform bill

Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint appeared on ABC News’ “This Week” on Sunday to discuss Heritage’s new report on the cost of the...

So what should we expect this week in the legislature?

Gun Bill in Senate There's some hand wringing going on in the Senate over whether or not to concur with the House-passed version of the...

NRA urges Alabama Senate to concur with House-passed gun bill

Senate Bill 286, commonly referred to as the Omnibus Gun Bill, passed in the Alabama House of Representatives on Thursday by an overwhelming 74-27 vote....

Birmingham Attorney Elected NRA President

The NRA Foundation Board of Trustees has elected Birmingham attorney Jim Porter as its new President. Mr. Porter, a longtime NRA Board member and...

Alabama Enviro Groups Gear Up for Fight

Yellowhammer has tried to be at the forefront of covering the ongoing efforts by wacko environmentalists to influence energy policy in the state of...

Rumors & Rumblings

"Rumors and Rumblings" is a weekly feature that runs each Wednesday. It includes short nuggets of information that we glean from conversations throughout the...

FDA makes morning-after pill available over the counter to 15-year-olds

The Food and Drug Administration announced Tuesday that the Plan B morning-after pill will now be available over the counter to any woman over...

Sessions Signs Letter Seeking to Defund Common Core

Senator Jeff Sessions joined Senators Tom Coburn (R-OK), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Deb Fischer (R-NE), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), James Inhofe (R-OK), Mike Lee (R-UT), Rand...

Alabama Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Program Leads Nation in Quality Once Again

A new study released this week shows Alabama’s First Class Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Program continues to lead the nation in quality. Alabama is one of...

Inside Baseball: How Roger Bedford almost turned the legislative session on its head

I'm just going to come right out and say it: Roger Bedford is good. Did he deserve the distinction of being named one of...

Compromise reached on gun bill

A compromise has been reached on the much-debated omnibus gun bill. House Speaker Mike Hubbard and Representative Ed Henry held a press conference earlier today...

Sessions: Gang of Eight does not fully understand immigration bill

Senator Jeff Sessions pointed out today that no one has a clue how to answer even the most basic questions about the comprehensive immigration...

Craig Ford now knows, decisions are made by those who show up

Decisions are made by those show show up. It's a quote that's been around for decades and has been variously attributed to everyone from President...

Who will Bentley appoint to the Supreme Court?

Judge Mike Bolin will soon become Jefferson County's lead attorney and will have to leave the Supreme Court, where he has served since 2005....

AG Strange Gives Terse Response to Letter from Commissioner Terry Dunn

First Terry Dunn's fellow Republican Public Service Commissioners shot down his misguided attempts to execute his Chief of Staff's (David Rountree) environmentalist pipe dream....

Rumors & Rumblings

"Rumors and Rumblings" is a weekly feature that runs each Wednesday. It includes short nuggets of information that we glean from conversations throughout the...

Changes at Yellowhammer

As you have probably noticed, things are changing a little at Yellowhammer. The black and yellow design has been our trademark look for the past...

Why I Believe Alabama Should Repeal Common Core

Common Core Standards are an attempt to put the same education content in classrooms all across America. Stop at that sentence and do not take...

The Old Souls

As I've mentioned before, blog posts that aren't political in nature will have the "PERSONAL BLOG" header so you'll know to skip over if...

Joey Kennedy and the Art of Journalistic Malpractice

In September we discussed a Gallup survey that showed Americans' lack of faith in the media soaring to new heights. “Americans’ distrust in the media hit a new...