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Terri Sewell lashes out at Alabama’s ‘atrocious immigration policy’

On Friday following President Barack Obama’s press conference, Rep. Terri Sewell, D-Birmingham, attacked Alabama's immigration law and said she hopes the U.S. House will...

Bentley amends special election timelines in HD74 and HD104

Governor Robert Bentley today issued an amended special election timeline to fill House District seats 74 and 104. District 74 was held by Jay Love,...

Judge orders Birmingham abortion clinic to close

Alabama's New Woman, All Women abortion clinic was ordered to close its doors Thursday after Birmingham Judge Joseph Boohaker ruled the facility was operating...

Ryan aide says Rubio’s defund ObamaCare efforts are ‘inauthentic, panicked’

An aide to Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan calls Sen. Marco Rubio’s decision to attempt to defund Obamacare as “inauthentic” and “panicked” in a Huffington Post piece. Jon...

Think rush hour on 280 in Birmingham is bad? Try commuting in Beijing

Hey Birmingham, think 280 is bad? Montgomery folks, are you tired of sitting on 65? Mobilians, are you sick of I-10? Take a look at...

Famed election forecaster Nate Silver: 2014 will be boring, 2016 will be epic

(Above: Nate Silver discusses his FiveThirtyEight blog with Bill Simmons on The BS Report) Appearing yesterday on Bill Simmons' weekly podcast, The BS Report, stats...

4 reasons Ted Cruz is bad news for Rick Santorum

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and former presidential candidate Rick Santorum will share the spotlight and vie for headlines in Iowa this weekend. The two are...

In South Carolina, hints of a Dem opening against Hillary

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. — In 2008, if Iowa was the state that cracked Hillary Clinton’s inevitability, South Carolina crushed it. The former First Lady was...

New York Times touts Birmingham’s downtown revitalization

It seems like suburbanites across the nation are looking to return to downtown living, and Birmingham is no exception. The New York Times reports that...

Ten Alabamians arrested on charges related to fraudulent BP oil spill claims

Attorney general Luther Strange said in a statement today that 10 people were indicted Thursday, accused of theft and fraudulent claims related to the...

Guillory: Republicans have conceded the black vote for long enough

Louisiana State Senator Elbert Guillory gained national recognition earlier this year when he released a stirring video announcing his switch from the Democratic Party...

FINEBAUM’S BACK: the voice of the SEC returning to Alabama airwaves

A familiar voice is expected to return to Alabama radio airwaves Monday: Paul Finebaum. Finebaum has been off the air since January when his contract...

GOPAC releases mailer touting Fincher’s conservative credentials

As the first independent expenditure of its "Called Up" program, GOPAC released a new direct mail ad today that touts the conservative credentials of...

Governor announces special election for House Districts 74 and 104

Governor Robert Bentley released the timeline on Thursday for the special elections that will take place simultaneously to fill district seats 74 and 104...

Pollster: Hubbard, Tea Party and Republican majority remain popular in Alabama

A polling memo issued to Alabama House Speaker Mike Hubbard's campaign and shared with Yellowhammer News states that almost 8 in 10 (79%) voters...

Semi flies through the air, bursts into flames in tragic crash caught on camera

A Clarksville, Tennessee man tragically lost his life in Texas over the weekend when the 18-wheeler he was driving crashed through an overpass guard...

Manning brothers’ rap video goes viral

What do you get when you combine two of pro football's most famous southern-born-and-bred quarterbacks, a satellite television provider, cell phones and awesomely bad...

Hillyer: Paul Ryan a ‘disappointment’ who is ‘out of touch with Alabama values’

On Wednesday morning, Republican congressional hopeful Wells Griffith’s campaign announced they landed the blockbuster endorsement of Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., who was the 2012...

Rubio: No early state travel in 2013

Don’t plan on seeing Marco Rubio drop into Iowa anytime soon. Or New Hampshire.  Or South Carolina, for that matter. The freshman Florida GOP senator won’t...

Barton leaving House, Clouse replaces him as budget chairman

Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard, R-Auburn, says Rep. Steve Clouse, R-Ozark, will serve as the chairman of the Ways And Means General Fund...

Hubbard & Strange take a stand for legislative prayer

Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange and Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard are taking a stand — or in this case bending a knee...

Griffith picks up endorsement from Paul Ryan

According to AL.com, AL-01 congressional candidate Wells Griffith has picked up a major endorsement from Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin. "I've known Wells Griffith for a...

Auburn Student Body named Most Conservative in the Nation

The Auburn family may be excited for the upcoming football season with new head coach Gus Malzahn, but students have an even better reason...

Griffith a ‘no show’ at candidate forum, blows prime opportunity

  Monday night in Gulf Shores, seven congressional hopefuls looking to fill the vacancy left by former Rep. Jo Bonner, R-Mobile, convened in a candidates’...