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Teacher accused of being high on heroin in class: ‘Roll Tide’

According to police, Chris Chiappetta, a 26-year old high school teacher in the Pittsburgh area confessed to passing out on his desk during class...

Shelby expresses concerns in private meeting with Obama’s fed nominee

Federal Reserve Vice Chairwoman Janet Yellen is President Obama's nominee to takeover as head of the U.S. Federal Reserve. If confirmed by the Senate,...

US Chamber VP: ‘Hypocrite’ Dean Young sought our endorsement

Normally the endorsement of a nationally known and respected organization like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce would be a positive for any candidate seeking...

Mark Levin and Erick Erickson back Young in AL-01 race

Congressional hopeful Dean Young got a couple of big endorsements on Thursday night from national conservative figures -- conservative talk show host Mark Levin...

Marsh seeks to close the ‘revolving door’ of lawmakers becoming lobbyists

MONTGOMERY -- Alabama Senate President Pro Tem Del Marsh, R-Anniston, has pre-filed a bill to close the “revolving door” in the Alabama Legislature. The bill...

ObamaCare hits home in Alabama

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama recently announced that 4% of their 2.1 million statewide members will not be able to keep their...

Meet Alabama’s top job creators

Inc.com, one of the country's top business websites, has announced their 2013 Hire Power Awards honorees. "This impressive crop of companies are creating jobs...

Shock poll: Young with a 3-point lead over Byrne in latest AL-01 survey

Although he has been heavily outmatched in fundraising and endorsements, a Cygnal poll debuting on Politico early Thursday shows an insurgent Dean Young with...

In his first interview since emerging from prison, Scrushy defends himself, Siegelman and Obama

(Above: Former HealthSouth CEO Richard Scrushy interviewed by Fox Business Network's Neil Cavuto) Former HealthSouth CEO Richard Scrushy gave a lengthy interview to Neil Cavuto...

US Chamber pumps over $185k into pro-Byrne advertising in 24 hours

According to filings posted on the Federal Election Commission’s website on Wednesday afternoon, Republican congressional hopeful Bradley Byrne is getting a huge boost from...

Surprise: Christie tops in South Carolina

Here’s a surprise:  A Jersey Yankee leads the early Republican presidential field in South Carolina. Chris Christie comes out on top in a new Harper Polling...

Movie trailer for ‘Tokarev,’ which was shot in Mobile, hits the web

(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s); if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);...

Settlement reached in suit against Alabama’s immigration law

A settlement has been reached between the State of Alabama and civil rights groups in a federal lawsuit over Alabama's toughest-in-the-nation immigration law. Several key...

Bachus: Obama climate change agenda will increase energy prices

WASHINGTON – Rep. Spencer Bachus, R-Vestavia Hills, is seeking information on how the Obama Administration justifies the portion of their climate change agenda that...

Byrne endorsed by Chamber of Commerce, prominent business leaders

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce endorsed Bradley Byrne in the Republican primary run-off for Alabama’s 1st Congressional District yesterday. Today the Byrne campaign added...

Sessions: Obama is trying to bankrupt the coal industry

(Above: Sen. Jeff Sessions addresses coal miners protesting overburdensome EPA regulations) Several thousand members of the coal industry organized a large protest on the West...

Aderholt: Shutdown will make Democrats ‘more willing to come to the table’

In an interview with Huntsville NBC affiliate WAFF, Rep. Robert Aderholt, R-Haleyville, offered an interesting perspective on the federal government shutdown that ended with...

Roby: Keep your heatlh insurance if you like it — for real this time

WASHINGTON – On Tuesday, Rep. Martha Roby, R-Montgomery, announced she is sponsoring legislation that would take on health insurance cancelations and skyrocketing costs being...

Obama official testifies against EPA’s global warming agenda

A former Obama official is undercutting a key aspect of his former employer’s plan to tackle global warming by arguing that carbon capture and...

Christie: ‘Let’s wake up with a hangover Nov. 6′

Gov. Chris Christie is already billing his probable victory in New Jersey next Tuesday as “a historic election in the history of our state”...

Alabama car salesman becomes YouTube dancing phenomenon

Some car salesmen have a reputation for pulling some slick moves to get people to buy a car from them -- but nothing like...

Sessions drops 5 nuggets of conservative wisdom in under 100 seconds

(Above: Sen. Jeff Sessions discusses how the federal government is hurting American workers) Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Mobile, this week continued his crusade for American workers...