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Alabama Congressional Delegation reacts to delay of GOP health plan

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Following the inability to gain the support of the Freedom Caucus, Republican leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives delayed Friday's...

UA to review election of new Machine-backed SGA president

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. -- The University of Alabama's Office of Student Conduct will review potential violations in its Student Government elections following a referral from...

Former Alabama GOP Chairman’s wife passes away after being struck by car

Former chairman of the Alabama Republican Party, Bill Armistead, announced on Thursday evening that his wife had died following a tragic accident. The West Alabama...

Sessions lauds arrest of teen who threatened Jewish Community Centers

On Thursday, a teen with Israeli-American citizenship was arrested in connection with a dozens of bomb threats made to Jewish Community Centers across the...

Expansion Evasion: Alabama’s Near Miss

In the waning weeks of 2014, a handful of Republican governors—fresh off the heels of their re-elections—began flirting with the idea of embracing Medicaid...

Gov. Bentley reaffirms he has no plans to resign

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- Speaking to a group of reporters in Birmingham this week, Gov. Robert Bentley (R-Ala.) starkly denied rumors that he plans to...

As Pres. Trump pushes healthcare law, Alabama Rep. remains defiant

Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks is sticking to his guns. Even after a tense meeting in which the President attempted to sell GOP members of...

Trump advisor talks Supreme Court and ObamaCare on Yellowhammer Radio

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- Special Advisor to the President Andrew Surabian joined Scott Chambers and Andrea Tice on Yellowhammer Radio to discuss this week's busy...

An Evangelist’s Response to the Toxic Lending Problem in Alabama (opinion)

Letter to Editor: By Scott Dawson The Bible is very clear when it comes to lending, interest rates, debt and how we treat the underprivileged. Exploiting...

Sen. Strange: Neil Gorsuch is singularly qualified for Supreme Court

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In a statement given to The Birmingham News, Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.) heralded Neil Gorsuch's qualifications for the U.S. Supreme Court,...

Resignation, Impeachment or Repentance: The One Thing that Could Save Governor Bentley (opinion)

By Chris Reid Last year, rumors began circulating concerning Alabama Governor Robert Bentley and his adviser, Rebekah Mason. Following the release of an illicit audio...

Why Obamacare Must Go

“In a death spiral.” Those are the words Mark Bertolini, CEO of Aetna, one of our nation’s largest insurance companies, used to describe the...

Alabama House passes religious freedom protection bill for adoption agencies

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Last week, the Alabama House of Representatives passed a bill that would allow adoption agencies to refuse to place children in...

Alabama Governor denies rumors that he is soon to resign

Last week, rumors began swirling around the state that the governor would soon resign amid the pressures of a state-led investigation and impending impeachment....

Trump removes doubt about healthcare bill for two Alabama Reps.

On Friday, Alabama Congressmen Robert Aderholt and Gary Palmer were among several lawmakers who are said to have changed their tune over the new...

Two Alabama Reps. targeted by Ryan-friendly group after opposing GOP healthcare bill

Two Alabama Congressmen have stirred the pot by standing against the GOP's new Obamacare replacement plan, and it seems to have made them a...

Clean Sweep For Four Pro-Life Bills in the House (opinion)

Life is important to the members of the Alabama Legislature, no matter what stage or what age that life may be. This was demonstrated...

Strange co-sponsors bill to kill the death tax

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Alabama junior Senator Luther Strange (R-Ala.) has co-sponsored a bill with Sen. John Thune (R-SD) to permanently repeal the federal estate...

Alabama House approves General Fund Budget without state employee raise

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- After hours of debate, the Alabama House of Representatives passed the General Fund Budget without a pay increase for state employees....

Alabama court waiting for state Democratic chair to pay fines

The chair of the Alabama Democrats has experienced a rocky few years overseeing the floundering state party. Amid reports of infighting and skirmishes, a...

Alabama author explains how to tell the difference between real and fake news

Famed Alabama author Andy Andrews is currently promoting his latest book, "The Little Things: Why You Really Should Sweat the Small Stuff," though he...

Former Alabama chief judge’s request to expedite appeal approved

In February, ousted Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore sought to speed up his court appeal by waiving a major portion of the hearing process....

Roby: First Step in Repealing Obamacare Underway

It’s no secret that the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, has made a mess of our nation’s health care system. Many in...

Democrats need to stop unfair, hypocritical attacks on Sessions

When I first met Jeff Sessions years ago, I was a young man hoping to make a difference in government. He was an all-star...