Opinion — Page 106

Dale Jackson: Want to shut down Thanksgiving political debates? Ask your family members to find Ukraine on a map

7 Things: Impeachment support continues to fall among independents, Ivey prison plan is to build, too many jobs in North Alabama and more …

7 Things: Jones chooses sides in the Democratic Civil War, Birmingham mayor wants to pardon pot conviction, Iron Bowl attack ads are coming and more …

7 Things: Schiff thinks he has Trump this time, Lowndes County Sheriff killed, parent complains about Thanksgiving plans for kindergartners and more …

VIDEO: Democrats whiff on impeachment, Jones targets Sessions, Chick-fil-A pleases absolutely no one and more on Guerrilla Politics

7 Things: Impeachment for Christmas, noose found in Auburn dorm, Jones still wants to protect the whistleblower and more …

7 Things: Democrats believe they have made their case for impeachment, Dem presidential candidates debate, Alabama teachers suspended and more …

7 Things: Democrats' 'bombshells' are still duds, Shelby says more CRs are possible as Congress fails, Jones goes after Sessions and more …

7 Things: Impeachment slog continues, officers involved in Madison shooting still off the street, Chick-fil-A caves to their enemies and more …

7 Things: Impeachment week two begins, Sessions goes after Jones, Alabama Democrats keep fighting and more …

VIDEO: Trump's impeachment continues, Jeff Sessions campaigns, Poarch Creek Indians want a compact and more on Guerrilla Politics

7 Things: Democrats change the argument again, Shelby wants to play kingmaker, renaming failing schools won't fix them and more …

7 Things: Impeachment hearings begin, Poarch Creek Indians want a compact with Alabama, JeffCo drug kingpin goes down and more …