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Guest Opinion

Daniel Sutter: Economics of ‘shrinkflation’

President Biden and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren recently criticized “shrinkflation”. The details are secondary to the larger question of who decides how to respond...

Clay Scofield: Even a small dose of labor union snake oil could prove poisonous to Alabama’s economy

Alabama stands at an economic crossroads, and the path we take will determine if the record low unemployment and historic industrial recruitment successes of...

Stadthagen: Setting the record straight on IVF after misleading attacks from out-of-state dark money group

Over the weekend, several members of the Alabama House Republican Caucus were targeted by ads claiming that their votes to reinstate IVF treatments to...

Steve Flowers: ‘Tis the (primary) season

This coming Tuesday is Primary Election Day in Alabama. Your vote next week is probably as important this Tuesday as it will be in...

Caroleene Dobson: The Mexican Border crisis demands a short game solution – and a long one

Cable news networks and newspaper headlines continue to deal the crisis along our 2,000 mile border with Mexico, but despite the impeachment of Alejandro...

Sheriff Hoss Mack: Why I’m voting for Jerry Carl on March 5th

I’m voting for Congressman Jerry Carl on March 5th because he’s a man of his word, and he’s a conservative who gets things done....

API’s Stephanie Smith: Doing the right thing – Alabama economic prosperity without gambling

Twenty-five years ago, Alabama voters were in the midst of an intense debate over the perceived positive and negative impacts of expanding gambling in...

Rep. Carl: Republicans need to unify against Biden

After seeing the results in South Carolina, it is evident we need to unite behind Donald Trump in combating Joe Biden’s efforts to drive...

Gordon Stone: With education funding, Higher Ed Partnership asks ‘What Comes Next?’

When leaders begin to consider where to invest public dollars, the question asked by lawmakers, opinion leaders and the general public could simply be...

Dr. Kyle Searcy: Economic stability vs. union promises is a critical choice for Hyundai workers

Over 20 years ago, Montgomery, Alabama's economy relied mainly on state government roles, due to its capital status, and jobs from the Maxwell/Gunter Air...

Rep. Carl: Presidents’ Day and President Trump

Presidents’ Day is a time in America when we remember and honor the leaders who helped shape our country. It's a day to think...

Steve Flowers: Leaders of the Alabama Senate

Last week, we discussed the Alabama House of Representatives and highlighted the leaders in the House. This week, we will talk about the prominent members...

Alabama Policy Institute: Top 10 things the Legislature should accomplish in 2024

The Regular Session of the Alabama Legislature is upon us. Though the only statutory requirement of our state legislature is to pass balanced budgets,...

Rep. Carl: Joe Biden is unfit to be president of the United States

We have known for years now that Joe Biden is unfit to be President due to his lack of mental awareness, under the table...

Dan Sutter: Unexpected economic growth in 2023

Economic growth in 2023 far exceeded economists’ expectations. Has the Federal Reserve engineered a “soft landing” while reducing inflation? And is the economy as...

State Rep. James Lomax: Utilizing gaming revenue for good

Last week I received an email that included the gaming legislation we have all been hearing so much about. For many of my colleagues,...

Steve Flowers: Players to watch in the House as session opens

The 2024 Legislative Session has begun this week. It can last three and a half months to May 20. The Alabama Legislature is a very...

Alabama Policy Institute: Top 10 things the Legislature should accomplish in 2024

The Regular Session of the Alabama Legislature is upon us. Though the only statutory requirement of our state legislature is to pass balanced budgets,...

Young Boozer: If Birmingham-Southern College closes, it’s on them – not the State Treasurer

As State officials were approached about trying to salvage Birmingham-Southern, the  college had already established a dismal financial track record of the following:  Significant...

Will Sellers: Unleashing the power of free markets

Four hundred years ago, King James I of England convened his last parliament, the most significant and enduring legacy of which was the “Statute...

Rep. Carl: Mayorkas should be fired

Our Southern Border is wide open, and Secretary Mayorkas has done absolutely nothing to bring relief to the crisis the Biden administration has created....

Rep. Strong: Lawless Mayorkas has himself to blame for impeachment

Over the last year, the House Committee on Homeland Security has conducted an investigation into the causes and costs of the crisis at our...

Jimmy Baker: Bold, foundational changes needed to grow and progress Alabama’s workforce

Alabama’s leaders are rightly focused on increasing our state’s labor force participation. At a time when three quarters of in-demand, livable wage jobs require a...

Brinyark: On gaming, I’m a ‘yes’ in the chamber and a ‘no’ on the ballot 

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Bryan Brinyark, and I am currently the newest member of the Alabama Legislature....