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Guest Opinion

Byrne: We must stand with Israel

Israel means so much to our nation. The American people have no better friend. As the only democracy in the volatile Middle East, Israel...

Flowers: Hot political summer in the City of Montgomery

It has been a long hot summer in Montgomery, and I do not mean at the Capitol or Statehouse, but in the City of...

Roby: Alabama’s Second District is open for business

We don’t often hear about it on cable news, but we have a lot to be proud of in our country right now. In...

Is a renewable electric grid a mirage?

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions to curb climate change will require enormous sacrifice. The enormity of the required sacrifice suggests that we should have consensus...

Centennial birthday offers opportunity to reflect upon parallel journeys of Gov. George C. Wallace and the state of Alabama

August 25th of this year marks the centennial of my father’s birth, and the occasion offers an appropriate opportunity for us to reflect not...

‘School choice’ also means ‘tax choice’ in Alabama

It’s back-to-school season and for some parents, this is a happy time. But for those whose children are stuck in underperforming schools, or schools where...

Byrne: To end violence, return to American values

The recent violence in our country – and the passionate debates it has sparked – have led me to reflect on the emotional state...

Why go to college?

More than three million students will begin college this year, many pursuing degrees needed for high paying jobs. Amazingly, bachelor’s degrees open economic doors...

Huntsville’s economic future is tied to our airport’s success

Huntsville is one of the fastest-growing local economies in our nation. Boosted by federal and private sector investments, our region is on a strong economic...

Roby: A recap from the road

Each year, during the month of August, Congress is out of session for a month-long district work period. This is an excellent time for...

Opposition research: When is the right time for a campaign to attack their opponents?

This time of year before an upcoming spring primary election, I get asked a lot, “When are we going to see some opposition research...

Merrill: We don’t have a gun control problem — We have a spiritual deficit problem

The Democrats and the liberal media love to point fingers and assign blame. They attacked me when I pointed out the trash they put...

Ensuring access to dental care for all Alabamians

There is a rural health care crisis in America, and certainly in Alabama. As president of the Alabama Board of Dental Examiners, I am...

Byrne: A Washington success story

One of the first actions I took after being elected in 2013 was to visit all the hospitals in Southwest Alabama. Big and small,...

The economic value of national unity

The Edmund Burke Foundation recently hosted the National Conservatism Conference which explored, among other questions, the meaning and importance of patriotic national unity. Conference...

Roby: A season of new beginnings

This time of year represents a season of new beginnings for many of us. Students across the country have gone back to school and...

Mobile River Bridge and Bayway Project: The cost of doing nothing is too high

For the past 25 years, serious efforts have been underway to design and eventually build a new bridge along Interstate 10 that runs through...

Alabamians need relief from Rx greed

For decades, big pharmaceutical companies have raised drug prices with impunity. Here in Alabama, the average annual cost of brand name prescription drug treatment...

Byrne: Taking care of our veterans is a top priority

My brother Dale is one of my heroes. He served our state and nation for decades in the Army and in the Alabama National...

Byrne: Through media attacks, border agents continue fight

The border agents, military and law enforcement personnel at our southern border are doing their best in difficult circumstances to combat both illegal immigration...

Roby: How my offices can help you

As your representative in Congress, I have the privilege of offering numerous services and resources to the people who live and work in the...

Flowers: Those who bake the pie get to eat it

Governor Kay Ivey’s first legislative session of the quadrennium was very successful. Her prowess at getting things accomplished with this legislature has been remarkable. She...

Alabama must build more prisons but taxpayers don’t have to foot the bill

Vicious assault. Brutal rape. Cold-blooded murder. These are some of the crimes that will get you thrown into prison, but what if they’re also what...

Byrne: In border battle, agents face growing crisis

Lately we’ve heard a non-stop narrative from the national news media and left-wing Democrats about the horrific conditions at our border. The never-ending insults...