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Guest Opinion

Rogers’ report from Washington: The witch hunt continues as work in Washington stops

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- What a waste of time. Any and all work on behalf of the American people has come to a screeching halt...

Aerospace industry a big economic driver in Alabama

This past month, business leaders from around the state gathered in Birmingham at the Alabama Economic Growth Summit to discuss how our state can...

Byrne: Serious about corruption? Investigate the Bidens

Speaker Pelosi, Adam Schiff and their Democratic colleagues have spent countless hours and taxpayer dollars to find evidence that President Trump was involved in...

The good and bad economics of plea bargains

Plea bargains let persons accused of crimes plead guilty and receive reduced charges or a reduced sentence. Although some people find the reduced criminal...

Roby: We will always stand by our American heroes

Each year on Veterans Day, Americans pause to recognize those who have served our country in uniform. Originally known as Armistice Day, Congress later...

Children with gender dysphoria need love and compassion, not gender reassignment

A recent case in the Texas courts became a catalyst for loud debate regarding the intersection of parental rights and appropriate treatment for gender...

Off with their heads!

This past week, “IT” finally happened. Mississippi surpassed Alabama in overall rankings for K-12 education. What absolute fresh hell is this? In truth, it is...

Saving taxpayer dollars and creating a path to redemption

As multiple recent state and national news stories have illustrated, overcrowded state prisons is one of the key challenges facing Alabama. While the state...

High school football playoffs: A community happening

Many people would agree that their years in high school were some of the best years of their lives – particularly those individuals who...

A hero’s welcome: What you deserve, Mr. President

Welcome back to Alabama, Mr. President. You are in the home state of college football’s greatest rivalry, which I was honored to be a part...

Byrne: Star Chamber impeachment driven by Trump hatred — not American values

An abusive, unlawful practice of the English courts from the 15th to 17th centuries was so rampant and unfair that protections against it were...

Did we win the trade war?

President Trump recently announced a partial trade settlement with China. Does this mean we have won the trade war? Details remain sparse, and the present...

Rep. Martha Roby: Continuing the fight against the opioid epidemic

The opioid epidemic is one of our country’s most dire ongoing issues. The term is one that has become too familiar in our everyday...

Rogers’ report from Washington: The price Americans are paying for sham impeachment

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- As most folks have seen on the news lately, House Democrats are continuing their behind closed doors drive toward impeachment. As they...

Tuberville: Our mental health plan is broken — Let’s fix it

Mental health in America is broken. The federal government controls the funding for mental health care, but currently, there's not a plan in place to...

If faith practices are ‘discriminatory,’ do we really still have free speech?

Modern political candidates spend a lot of time presenting themselves as culturally acceptable to voters. That means a lot of talk about God, faith,...

Byrne: To fight impeachment, Republicans must get off the sidelines

For weeks, Democrats have been holding secretive impeachment proceedings behind closed doors, out of sight of the American people. Chairman Adam Schiff of the House...

Alabama follows the law, history in forgoing marriage licenses

For just over a month now, Alabama officials have not issued marriage licenses. They instead record certificates memorializing marital contracts, signed by married couples...

Roby: Staying alert against fraudulent scams

Every day, we consume information in a variety of ways from our cell phone screens to our computers. With having several types of options...

A look at the good work of Rick Pate, Will Ainsworth, Jack Hawkins

We have two men who were elected to statewide constitutional offices last year who seem to be doing a good job. They are both...

Christians should protect freedom of expression for all people

It’s an idea that we Evangelicals like because we usually hear it discussed in the vein of protecting our particular right to express and...

Protecting Alabama rivers and protecting your pocketbook

More than once in my life I’ve been reminded there is no such thing as a free lunch. I first learned that lesson from...

Byrne: How do you solve a problem like Syria?

Recent developments in Syria highlight the need for the United States to revisit its broader Middle Eastern policy. Early last week, I joined a small...

The persistent problem of hazing

Two Troy University fraternities were recently suspended for hazing, which is a recurring problem at our nation’s colleges. According to Wikipedia, 20 college students...