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Guest Opinion

Alabama’s innovative reform to Medicaid is paying dividends

One of the toughest, yet least-talked about, challenges facing the U.S. today is how to effectively deliver affordable health care to America’s growing population...

Educational freedom enables personal, economic hope for Alabama’s children

Part of the promise of school choice is that access to better education will result in increased economic mobility for those trapped in poverty....

Don’t be fooled – The proposed ‘new’ AL math standards are the same old Common Core

Vote on “new” math standards expected on Dec. 12 On December 12, the Alabama State School Board is scheduled to vote on revised “new” math...

Byrne: Impeachment lessons from the distant past

The first true test of the legislative branch’s impeachment powers occurred over two centuries ago in 1805. Its parallels with the current impeachment process,...

Graddick states position regarding Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles

Editor's note: At request of the author, this opinion piece was published unaltered from its submitted form. The Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles’ decision-making...

Flowers: Players are in place for next year’s election

Qualifying has ended and the players are in place for next year’s elections. It is a presidential year. It is up in the air...

Hunting and fishing boost Black Belt economy

With other areas of Alabama enjoying an economic boon in manufacturing and industry, one well-known area of the state has discovered its treasure lies...

As Alabamians prepare to watch ‘It’s a Wonderful Life,’ a reflection on the unabashedly patriotic films of Frank Capra

As Thanksgiving morphs into Christmas, the December television schedule will be filled with the usual assortment of Christmas classics, not the least of which...

Patronize local stores and restaurants on Small Business Saturday, Nov. 30

Governor Ivey has proclaimed Nov. 30, the Saturday after Thanksgiving, as Small Business Saturday in Alabama. Small business really is the bedrock of Alabama’s economy....

Saturday’s Iron Bowl and America’s water pipe

Saturday will be the 84th playing of the Auburn vs. Alabama football game. The first was played in 1893, and following a tie in...

Byrne: Much to be thankful for

As the year draws to a close and we enter another holiday season, I’m reminded we have much to be thankful for. First, I’m thankful...

Roby: A time to give thanks

Each November, Americans gather with family members and friends to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. This special day serves as a time for us to...

Thanksgiving to God is profoundly American

Aside from Independence Day, no other holiday is as profoundly American as Thanksgiving. With its historical roots in the first English settlers to these...

America’s greatest rivalry: Conservative Christian vs. Swamp monsters

Swamp monsters in Washington think Capitol Hill is the nation's toughest playing field. Well, they have never competed in the Iron Bowl. They have...

Jeff Sessions: Give thanks and respect to those who protect and serve

As we gather around the table this year to give thanks for our loved ones and many blessings, we should all pause to give...

Speaker Pelosi’s prescription for drug prices is worse than the disease

Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a prescription for high drug prices, but this is one case where the cure is worse than the disease. Her plan...

When the impossible happens

The Berlin Wall, the most visible manifestation of Communist oppression, came down thirty years ago. This totally unexpected event was a triumph of hope...

Flowers: John McMillan – A good man as state treasurer

Alabama is in good hands with John McMillan. A good man is in the job of state treasurer of Alabama for the third straight...

Those shouting for equality don’t want equality, they want domination over ideas

I remember when it was tolerance and equal protection under the law that LGBTQ+ activists wanted. They said we could each practice our respective...

Taxpayers should not be forced to subsidize passenger trains

There is no shame in being the first to try out a new idea that ends up failing. There is great shame, however, in politicians...

Relationships between parents and teachers are key to improving education

I imagine that when the recent National Assessment of Educational Progress numbers were released, somewhere in Mississippi a few very tired, long-suffering education bureaucrats...

Byrne: The facts about Ukraine

With all the allegations being made against President Trump, it’s important to examine some background and facts. First, let’s talk about what has been going...

Violent crime in Alabama: Enough is enough

Kamille McKinney. Aniah Blanchard. Sloan Harmon. Over the last six weeks, the people of Alabama have been confronted with a frightening reality that very few...

Rep. Martha Roby: Encouraging the Second District’s creative youth

Each year, the U.S. House of Representatives sponsors an art competition that is open to high school students across the nation. The Congressional Art...