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Guest Opinion

Billionaires and the good society

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders contends we should not allow billionaires. His view produced interesting debate exchanges with Michael Bloomberg, who has a net...

Roby: Combating the sale of counterfeit goods online

Online shopping has become an everyday occurrence for millions of Americans. By ordering products online, people have almost endless opportunities for purchases all while...

Flowers: Chancellor Finis St. John and the University of Alabama System

Our 1901 Alabama Constitution has been rightfully criticized as being archaic. However, it was simply a reflection of the times. The authors and crafters...

An Amendment One post-mortem: Idealism trumps reality

The failure of Amendment One is a story of idealism trumping reality. On Tuesday, residents of Alabama denied Amendment One. The constitutional amendment, which would...

Byrne: No fight is more noble than defending the unborn

I can think of no fight more noble or important than defending unborn children. The Scriptures make clear that God makes every person in...

Guest opinion: Education in Alabama is dead last. It’s insanity not to make a change

They say the definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing time and again, yet expecting a different outcome. But that's exactly...

What if you could really vote out some politicians? I mean really?

Has there ever been a ballot initiative that reduced the number of politicians? I mean, ever? What if I told you that with the stroke...

Coronavirus: Be prepared, not panicked

Like most places today, the coronavirus is dominating a lot of the talk on Capitol Hill. As it has become clear that China's efforts...

Female athletes deserve fair competition

Silly me. I thought that with the passage of Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972, we had settled the question of...

Is health care a right?

The debate over government’s role in health care and “Medicare for All” frequently revolves around whether health care is a human right. We establish...

Rep. Martha Roby: Congressional internships offer unique opportunities

Each summer, I am pleased to offer college students from Alabama’s Second District with congressional internship opportunities. My summer internship program is a competitive experience...

Rep. Mike Rogers’ report from Washington: President Trump and East Alabama

WASHINGTON, D.C. — As many folks may have seen recently in the news, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced last...

Amendment One puts kids first, politicians last

When Alabamians take the to the polls on Super Tuesday, they will either be concerned with the Democratic nominee for President of the United...

Jimmy Parnell: Vote ‘Yes’ for better education

Did you know Alabama’s schools are ranked 52nd in math and 49th in reading? This is unacceptable. Yes on Amendment 1 takes the first...

Aderholt: Alabama’s economic boom should be heard and felt across the state

When I was growing up in Haleyville, I can remember people in July and August saying, “it’s hotter’n blue blazes outside.” Well, you could...

Byrne: We can’t let up in the fight against gun-grabbers

The Second Amendment is under attack like never before in our nation’s history, but I am leading the fight to preserve your constitutional rights. Last...

The freedom to pump gas

Illinois State Representative Camille Lilly recently sponsored a bill to restrict self-service gasoline stations. New Jersey and Oregon already ban self-service gas, although Oregon...

It’s time for prison, mental health reform

Two of the major items on Governor Kay Ivey’s 2020 agenda are finding solutions to the problem of Alabama’s overcrowded and broken prison system,...

Roby: Celebrating career and technical education

The modern workplace is constantly changing, and it’s imperative that educators and facilities keep up with this rapid pace. For almost 40 years, federal funding...

Will Sen. Doug Jones vote to protect vulnerable babies?

It’s hard to believe that, in 21st century America, the life of a baby more than halfway through pregnancy is considered up for debate...

Recognizing our engineers

This is Engineers’ Week, a week during which we honor the profession of engineering and the contributions of engineers to public safety and quality...

Byrne: The New Way Forward Act is an assault on our borders

A clear warning of how far to the extreme left the Democratic Party has moved is the recently introduced New Way Forward Act. This...

The Workforce Superhighway – Stay clear of malfunction junction

As you merge onto the Workforce Superhighway in search of that dream career, don’t venture into dead ends or get lost at malfunction junction....

Roby: Creating and protecting new ideas

Throughout the years, advancements in technology have altered and changed the world we live in. Talented and bright minds are constantly pitching new ideas in...