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Guest Opinion

Alabama health organizations join together to stop the spread of COVID-19

The health and safety of Alabamians is our top priority. To that end, the Alabama Department of Public Health, the Alabama Hospital Association, Blue...

Unity during uncertainty

There is no doubt that we are living in uncertain times, however, there is also no doubt that Alabama, and our nation as a...

Alabama’s coronavirus response important, but needs benchmarks, business and medical leaders say

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey and state health officer Dr. Scott Harris have issued sweeping emergency and public health declarations which they hope will slow...

Economic consequences of the pandemic

Our lives and economy have been disrupted on an unprecedented scale by COVID-19. How do we calculate the societal impact? Costs are tricky because...

Byrne: Slowing the spread requires all hands on deck

As the COVID-19 coronavirus continues to change the way we live our daily lives, it's important to take note of the ways this challenging...

Leadership revealed in a crisis

Unusual challenges such as this coronavirus pandemic teach us who we really are. They reveal whether we are courageous and generous or fearful and...

NFIB: Alabama’s small businesses need our support during the COVID-19 crisis

There’s no doubt that Alabama’s small businesses are feeling the impact of the coronavirus. Under advice from state and federal officials, people are staying in...

Sports cancellations explained by economics

Our world has changed almost unimaginably recently. The cancellation of the NCAA basketball championships brought us, in my son’s words, “March Sadness.” Why has...

Pro-Life in a pandemic

For those of us who are pro-life, it's easy to get in the habit of only thinking of this pillar of our values system...

As I write this I am seeking balance in an unbalanced time

As I write this it is mid-morning and I’ve already washed my hands multiple times. I’ve got rubber gloves in my car now. I...

World Water Day: Alabama’s iron and steel manufacturing contributes to public health

World Water Day is March 22. In the context of today’s news, speaking about clean water and public health is more topical than usual,...

Six ways to stay healthy while keeping your distance

During this global stay-at-home approach to the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees are working remotely for an extended period for the first time. That can mean a...

Rep. Martha Roby: COVID-19 update

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak has created a sense of uncertainty for many Americans during these unprecedented times. Although we are in the midst of...

I’m a mom and a daughter and a doctor — Here is how my family is preparing for the days ahead

As a family medicine physician, I can tell you that we are in a uniquely uncertain time. The coronavirus, known as novel COVID-19, is...

Byrne: Embrace precaution, not panic, for coronavirus safety

I wanted to update you on the latest COVID-19 coronavirus developments. While the situation remains serious, the risk to most Americans remains low. It...

Jeff Sessions: Urgent action is needed to tackle the coronavirus outbreak — I have a plan and the experience to see it through

Time is of the essence in tackling the coronavirus pandemic currently sweeping the world, the United States and now Alabama. There have been over...

Socialism and the horrors of communism

Bernie Sanders’ pursuit of the Democratic presidential nomination continues to bring popular attention to socialism. Polls continue to reveal socialism’s considerable appeal to many...

Roby: Latest information and resources on coronavirus disease outbreak

As our country moves forward with addressing the challenges associated with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), it is incumbent upon my office to provide the...

Rogers’ report from Washington: Delusional Democrats — Where does it stop?

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Democrats' embrace of radical socialism is almost complete. The combination of socialism and Trump Derangement Syndrome has caused many Democrats to...

Alabama businesses stay focused — We’ve been preparing

Today, as Alabama addresses its first case of COVID-19, our state is thankful to have had ample time to prepare. The announcement comes on...

Tuberville: Jeff Sessions turned his back on our veterans and left them behind

My father was a hero. First Sergeant Charles Tuberville landed on Normandy Beach on D-Day, and he drove a tank through the streets of a...

Byrne: Combating coronavirus misinformation

Although the COVID-19 coronavirus is dominating the news, it’s important to know the facts about the virus and the ongoing work to prevent its...

SB 172 paving the way for continued growth and future success in Alabama

Last week, the Alabama Senate – working across the aisle and across our Alabama communities – voted unanimously in favor of SB 172, legislation...