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Guest Opinion

Tuberville: Mueller anniversary offers sad reminder of the day Jeff Sessions ran away when needed most

Three years ago this week, one of the biggest hoaxes in American history began as Robert Mueller was appointed to lead the Democrats’ Russia...

McCutcheon: Alabama House members answer the call to duty

When the legislature convened its 2020 regular session in February, Alabama enjoyed record low unemployment and record-high revenues in our state budgets. Pay raises for...

Byrne: The absent Congress

Last Friday, the House of Representatives took a truly unprecedented step. The Democrat majority voted to change our rules and allow members to vote...

The state has reopened — what does that mean for me?

Alabama has started to reopen, but does that mean the risk of contracting COVID-19 has been eliminated? Epidemiologists from the University of Alabama at Birmingham School...

Guest: Jeff Sessions is a 21st century profile in courage

As is the case with many of my fellow Alabamians, I am a strong supporter of President Trump in the substance of what he...

Did we give informed consent?

Our federal and state governments implemented unprecedented measures beginning in March to stem the spread of COVID-19. Informed consent provides a foundation of medical...

Roby: We are safer at home

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to spread across the nation, impacting individuals and families from coast to coast. As the American people have been...

Jeff Coleman: Broadband access more important now than ever before

In a world of viruses that can shut down global economies, shutter schoolhouse doors, and even physically keep us separated from one another, broadband...

Front line nursing homes need front line resources

As health professionals across Alabama this week commemorate National Skilled Nursing Care Week, it is important that we don’t forget the women and men...

Byrne: Opening economy now, not later, best for Americans

Last week, Governor Ivey issued orders allowing Alabama’s restaurants, hair salons, barbers and other personal service businesses to reopen Monday under social distancing guidelines....

Immunity to COVID-19: What does it mean and how can it be achieved?

Some of the most important unknowns with COVID-19 are as follows: Do we know for sure if a person is immune to COVID-19 after...

Letter from Jeff Sessions to the people of Alabama on recusal

I was the first to endorse President Trump, even when many thought I was nuts to do so. I helped Trump win and traveled...

Auburn University holds true to land-grant mission amid COVID-19

Solutions are a key component of land-grant institutions’ identity, and that’s why Auburn quickly shifted focus when the COVID-19 pandemic began its rapid spread...

Do not let your guard down on COVID-19 in Alabama

As parts of Alabama’s safer-at-home measures relax on Monday, May 11, health experts — including public health officials and world-renowned UAB infectious disease doctors...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Challenges and a coronavirus vaccine

President Trump recently announced “Operation Warp Speed,” a plan for a novel coronavirus vaccine by the end of 2020. I welcome the announcement because...

Rep. Martha Roby: Happy Mother’s Day

These uncertain times have brought many challenges and changes in the lives of individuals and families around the world. I believe that with every...

COVID-19 pandemic highlights critical value of broadband access

The impact of COVID-19 and social distancing has moved much of our lives online – our education, our work, our social lives, and even...

Balancing rights and love of neighbor

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey has announced that our state is moving into an initial phase of economic recovery, known as "Safer at Home." It...

Ivey: Remembering my father and the greatest generation

It has been 75 years since the end of World War II. Today, May 8, we celebrate V.E. or Victory in Europe Day, the...

Byrne: In coronavirus fight, Alabama has benefited from federal action

Closing down the American economy has a real and enormous effect on the lives of countless Americans. Layoffs and job losses are devastating for...

Drinking Water Week: Alabama’s iron and steel manufacturing contributes to public health

This is National Drinking Water Week, a week in which we highlight the essential role of drinking water in our society and economy. Given...

Guest: When is it our turn to earn a living?

I think almost every American has dreamed of what it could mean to become a small business owner. For me, opening a small business...

ALGOP’s Lathan: Not signed, sealed and delivered

Here they come … again — the Democrats rallying cry for a nationally imposed all mail-in ballot system. While their push to force every...

Markets and medicines

Would you try an unproven drug to treat COVID-19? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has understandably not approved any drug for this brand-new...