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Guest Opinion

COVID-19 has changed our state’s industry and workforce landscape, our goal remains the same

The human toll of COVID-19 is unprecedented in Alabama, and businesses of all sizes have taken a shellacking due to the pandemic. As such,...

Byrne: A more perfect union

I was a young teenager in the late 1960s, but I remember the riots and violence that occurred around the country, and especially in...

End the mayhem and madness: The rule of law, not mobs, must prevail

Have we gone mad? In liberal cities and states, American citizens are more likely to be arrested for attending church than for fire-bombing one...

Steeling the nation for recovery

The COVID-19 pandemic has sent shockwaves through the global economy. But recovery is on the horizon and one critical industry in Alabama – the...

Guest: Trump needs Sessions now more than ever

In taking on the political establishment and draining the swamp, President Trump has had no greater ally than Jeff Sessions. Alabama would be well-served...

Did the lockdown save lives?

In March, states undertook dramatic and unprecedented measures to stem the spread of the SARS2-COV virus. And yet COVID-19 has claimed 100,000 lives in...

Cameras (AKA the government) on every corner — A Crisco sorta slope

I remember the collective groan that went up from motorists when "red light cameras" became a thing. Suddenly, it didn't matter if the police...

The need for education reform didn’t die with the defeat of Amendment One

When voters defeat a proposed state amendment, it is often thought that the matter is put to rest. That is often the case, but...

Rep. Martha Roby: Raising mental health awareness during COVID-19

As you may know, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental health has become a pressing issue, impacting tens of millions of people each...

Flowers: Mike Hubbard conviction finally upheld

Over the past four years during my travels and speaking events over the state, the most asked question posed to me has been, “Why...

What Jobs to Move America misses as we reopen Alabama

As the economic crisis due to the coronavirus has impacted our state, Alabama’s job creators and our state’s workers have been focused on reopening...

The RESTORE Alabama Agenda

The 2020 regular session of the Alabama state legislature is behind us. Did anyone notice? It was a session marked more by what didn’t...

To close the homework gap in our schools, let’s close the partisan divide in Washington

As Alabama shut down its schools on March 16 and moved classes online in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, I was saddened but not...

Byrne: Tough times show what makes our country great

This year, during the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Memorial Day provided an even more unique opportunity to reflect upon what makes our nation...

Roby: The importance of Memorial Day

This Memorial Day comes at an unprecedented time for our country. Americans for several weeks have dealt with the harsh reality of having to...

The future of college

COVID-19 has disrupted almost all aspects of life, including higher education. Colleges moved classes online during the spring semester and some observers believe that...

Palmer: Democrat messaging from Washington

Last week, Democrats forced a vote on their so-called HEROES Act, a bill that Nancy Pelosi concocted with zero Republican input. This is perhaps...

Speaker Sam Rayburn and Congressman Bob Jones

The legendary Speaker of the U.S. House Sam Rayburn coined a famous phrase he used often and imparted to young congressmen when they would...

Guest: Cleaner air during pandemic shows need for alternative fuels and electric vehicles

Photos of a smogless Los Angeles skyline set against a brilliant blue sky have emerged as an iconic image to showcase the impact of...

Are swimming pools safe during COVID-19? Tips for safely enjoying the water

Visiting the pool or lake is synonymous with summer fun. As hot weather approaches, parents and swimmers alike are concerned about what COVID-19 means...

Prioritizing HBCU during the global pandemic and national recovery

On March 18, 2020, Vice President Mike Pence announced, “In the fight against the coronavirus, the Trump administration is not just taking a whole...

Palmer: Pelosi’s power grab

By passing a House Resolution to allow voting by proxy, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats sent a clear message that they crave power,...

Electric vehicles next wave to drive Alabama’s continued auto-manufacturing success

Alabama has long been a leader in the automotive manufacturing sector in the United States and, now, we have the opportunity to sustain that...

Access to the internet essential for Alabama’s future

We all have had our lives disrupted during this period of health and economic crisis. Students, faculty and staff at Alabama’s colleges and universities...