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Guest Opinion

Roby: Happy Independence Day

The Fourth of July is one of America’s most celebrated holidays each year, honoring the birth of American independence dating back to 1776. Americans...

Ivey: This is our time, Alabama

My fellow Alabamians: In a few days, America will celebrate her 244th birthday. Traditionally, many towns and cities around the country light up the night with...

Rural broadband: It’s past time

As it turns out, we just thought we understood how much we needed better broadband accessibility in Alabama. Rural farmers, hospitals, and schools have...

Byrne: Our sacred honor

This weekend, America will celebrate its 244th birthday. Unfortunately, we do so in a time of a pandemic, a struggling economy and violent protests....

Defund the CDC

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have made numerous mistakes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mission creep at the CDC has left America...

Responsible recreation: How sportsmen and women continue to set an example in the age of social distancing

The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in many changes that require us all to adjust. Phrases like “self-quarantine” and “social distancing,” which were rarely used...

Roby: Protecting our Alabama communities

Several states across the country have seen a surge in reported coronavirus (COVID-19) cases over the past few weeks. On Thursday, June 25, the...

Byrne: America needs building up, not tearing down

Our brilliant founders built our democracy upon two different but complimentary pillars. The first and more obvious pillar is our constitutional system itself, what the...

Guest: I support ‘black lives matter,’ not Black Lives Matter

I am not a Black Lives Matter guy, but I am a black lives matter guy. Here’s what I mean: Regardless of any merits,...

Philosopher kings on the Supreme Court usurp Congress and the people. Again.

According to ancient Greek philosopher Plato, it is the great thinkers, or philosophers, who are best suited to govern society. Dubbed “philosopher kings” they...

Complete your 2020 Census today

As Americans have dealt with the hardships and consequences surrounding the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, visualizing a “back-to-normal” routine remains challenging for many. Although...

Flowers: Why George Wallace said ‘no’ to U.S. Senate

My next book on Alabama politics will expound on who I believe have been the top 60 political leaders in Alabama over the past...

Sports and COVID risk

Sports across the world are beginning restarts. Germany’s top soccer league resumed in May, while NASCAR, the UFC and the PGA tour are back...

Is there really ever ‘A Time to Kill?’

Many years ago, as a younger lawyer, I was crossing the street to the courthouse when I met a familiar black woman. We exchanged...

Byrne: Keeping our heads

These last few weeks have riveted the country’s attention on police brutality. The murder of George Floyd was an atrocity, and unfortunately it’s not...

Now is the time to stay smart, do better, be better and for Alabama to lead locally

Stay safe and stay smart. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, this is how I’ve ended most of my email correspondence. However, it...

While Alabama mourns another police officer killed in the line of duty, citizens must support law enforcement

With all that the nation and state have been through recently, what we cannot forget is another tragic murder of an Alabama police officer. Moody...

Let’s celebrate the Magna Carta!

In just a few weeks, fireworks will illuminate the night sky, parades will proceed down Main Streets, and the American people, even while social...

Roby: The road to recovery

The American economic landscape has changed considerably over the past few months as coronavirus (COVID-19) has extremely halted activity across the country. Several weeks...

Letter from Birmingham [white] male

I’m a white male from Birmingham, Alabama. It’s time we had a talk. I’m 42 years old, born in 1978. I grew up both literally...

Byrne: Good economic news

First, it was the public health experts whose projections were wrong about COVID-19. They predicted far more spread of the disease, and death from...

Auburn University petition fails to recognize the full story of Gov. George C. Wallace

Like millions of Americans across the nation, my family and I were shocked, angered and saddened by the video that documented the death of...

Sessions: Say no to anarchy and f—und the police

In America, law enforcement officers, not the outlaws, control the streets. Sadly, that is not true in so many other countries around the world....

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Will things ever change?

The killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin ignited nationwide protests. While we advise jurors to withhold judgment until presentation of...