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Guest Opinion

Flowers: We have six living past governors. How are they doing?

Some of you may wonder how many past governors we have in Alabama who are still living and how they are doing. We have...

Can we reclaim our freedom?

Governments have implemented a range of unprecedented policy measures to slow the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Whether “non-pharmaceutical interventions” have slowed infections or...

Roby: Back to school

Students of all ages from kindergarten to college are starting back to school, whether with in-person instruction or virtual learning. Every school across the...

Guest: Doug Jones’ pro-abortion record earns him support from extremist radicals on the left

“What a stupid question.” That was the callous response that Sen. Doug Jones gave when asked if he would support a federal law banning abortion...

Byrne: Democrats’ Postal Service hoax

Apparently, I and the rest of the House of Representatives are being called back to Washington for a series of votes this Saturday. Has...

Aderholt: We need long-term broadband solutions, not band-aids

All across the state, there are schools starting back up for the fall. As we are all eager to get our kids back to...

Alabama remains an international leader in the aerospace industry

Allow me to open this column by sharing some words from the governor of Alabama: Huntsville, Alabama is to the Space Age as Detroit, Michigan...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Patents, profits and pandemics

Knowledge is the basis of economic prosperity, and the knowledge contained in a COVID-19 vaccine or cure would be enormously valuable. We have traditionally...

U.S. Rep. Martha Roby: Celebrating 100 years of women’s suffrage

On August 18, we commemorate 100 years since the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, which guarantees and protects women’s constitutional right to vote. This...

We need inexpensive, rapid, home-deployed tests to help stem the pandemic

Prominent epidemiologists and medical professionals are advocating the introduction of an inexpensive rapid antigen immunoassay tests similar to a home pregnancy test. Prototype COVID-19...

Alabama’s small business community needs Congress’ support

Affordable health care has long been a cause of concern for small business across our country with the cost of coverage has consistently ranked...

Byrne: Celebrating the Nineteenth Amendment

On August 18, the U.S. will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment to our Constitution which guaranteed women’s right...

This back-to-school season, families should decide

Parents and other observers have many understandable questions about how their local school districts are responding to the challenges presented by COVID-19. At this juncture,...

The source of our prosperity

Our world is more prosperous than ever, or at least was before the economic disruption from COVID-19. The ongoing search for a vaccine or...

Hey, ABC Board … know your role!

Let’s start with clearing the air ... generally speaking, I don’t hang out in bars. This is not a puff piece to defend pub...

Roby: Stay prepared during hurricane season

It’s hard to believe that we have reached the month of August, and summer will be ending soon. Although many schools have delayed start...

Ainsworth: Democrat Doug Jones fiddles while America’s cities burn

America is under attack by liberal fanatics. Violence, arson, looting and vandalism are becoming commonplace from socialist mobs, and scenarios once seen only in movies...

Rogers: Trump administration’s FYI Initiative reaffirms commitment to underprivileged communities

In July of last year, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) launched a new initiative to help young adults in...

Byrne: A way forward on coronavirus relief

Last week was pretty frustrating in Washington. While the House frittered away at useless Democrat messaging bills which have no chance of passage in...

Ledbetter: Alabama’s teachers are standing tall with return to classroom instruction

All of the personality traits, values and life lessons that we carry with us as adults were shaped and instilled in us by the...

McInnis: Alabama businesses need our congressional delegation to pass liability protections

Before Congress heads out for August recess, members of Congress must pass the next round of coronavirus relief. As American families are struggling to...

Should we trust experts?

Experts in public health and epidemiology have driven policymaking during the COVID-19 pandemic. How much should we trust experts? Critics dismiss Republicans who voice...

Roby: Celebrating the life of John Lewis

John Lewis once said, “You cannot be afraid to speak up and speak out for what you believe. You have to have courage, raw...

State Sen. Elliott: There’s still work to be done

Last weekend should have been a shining moment for the state of Alabama, a celebration of the life and efforts of Congressman John Lewis...