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Guest Opinion

Roby: Updates on Hurricane Sally, Military Academy appointment nominations

Hurricane Sally Recovery Efforts As you know, Hurricane Sally made landfall in Alabama early Wednesday morning as a Category 2 hurricane. On Wednesday afternoon, the...

Byrne: A new Middle East?

Last week when I wrote about some good news, I mentioned the recent peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates negotiated by...

How the Constitution keeps us free

The summer of 1787 was a pivotal moment in American history. Our young nation had defeated the British in a bloody revolution but was...

Alabama Court System about to resume jury trials after six month delay

Throughout the pandemic, most of Alabama state government has continued to operate. There are still state troopers patrolling the highways, elections held, unemployment compensation paid...

Guest Opinion: The party platforms changed my mind. They might change yours, too

“If you never change your mind, why have one?” A few weeks ago, I was dead set on how I would vote in the presidential...

Guest Opinion: Completing the Census, voting part of every Alabamian’s civic duty

September 17 marks 233 years since the signing of the U.S. Constitution in 1787, the document that sets up our form of government. It...

Auburn student center named for Harold Melton, first Auburn SGA president of color

1987 was a quiet year for elections across America but not at Auburn. That was the year Harold Melton, a student in international studies...

Rogers: Remembering 9/11 as we evaluate today’s emerging threats

Nineteen years ago, America awoke on a tranquil Tuesday morning only to have that peace destroyed by terrorists. We pause today to remember the...

Roby: We will never forget

No American will ever forget where they were and what they were doing on the morning of September 11, 2001. The world changed in...

Flowers: Labor Day

Labor Day is upcoming on Monday. In bygone days it was the benchmark day for campaign season to start. Historically, Labor Day barbeques were...

Same story, different day

The police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha just months after the death of George Floyd sparked new protests. The video appears to clearly...

Take control of your energy budget during the COVID-19 pandemic

Summer is peaking and so are utility bills. Historically, the July-September months are always the most expensive electric bills of the year. You’re most...

Labor Day is a tribute to those who manufacture, build and grow

When many of us were growing up, Labor Day was the traditional end of summer, and we started back to school the next day....

Roby: Celebrating American workers

America’s essential workers continue to work tirelessly and selflessly throughout the Coronavirus pandemic. Over 55 million workers in various industries are deemed “essential” at...

Great expectations for Birmingham’s recovery

Much has been written about the latest rankings from Business Facilities magazine, which gave Alabama overall high marks and cited Birmingham and Huntsville as...

Election of Doug Jones poses the biggest threat to the Second Amendment in Alabama history

Portland … Seattle … Chicago … New York City. Scenes of rioting, looting, lawlessness and utter chaos in these once-great American cities have become commonplace...

75 years after ending World War II: Celebrating a lasting peace

Seventy-five years ago today, World War II officially ended. After six years of global conflagration, the guns fell silent and the lights, a barometer...

Military Stability Commission is protecting Alabama’s long tradition of defense presence

Alabama has a proud and storied military tradition. Our citizens have fought, died and shed their blood in every war our nation has fought since...

Alabama medical practices hit hard by COVID-19

In a span of just a few months, the coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we function as a society and has fundamentally altered...

No more ridesharing?

Ridesharing companies Uber and Lyft almost exited California last week over a dispute regarding their drivers’ legal status. In 2019, the California legislature passed...

Roby: Now is the time to be vigilant

Recently, the number of daily new Coronavirus cases has declined nationwide. Several experts credit an increase in mask wearing for this recent decrease. Governor...

Advisory board approves snapper extension, tables turkey changes

The Alabama Conservation Advisory Board approved a three-day extension of the red snapper season and tabled a motion to change the season dates and...

Jim Hill: Motion to dismiss Democrat Doug Jones for opposing conservative judges

It is time for the people of Alabama to file a “motion to dismiss” Democrat Senator Doug Jones from office. Time and time again, Jones...

Byrne: Democrat gridlock shouldn’t be our fate

“We will never accept political gridlock as our fate.” -- 2020 Democratic Party Platform Last Saturday, the House of Representatives met to pass a bill...