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Guest Opinion

Guest: On Afghanistan, we just can’t forget

On the morning of September 11, 2001, I remember my first-grade teacher telling us there had been a plane crash in New York City....

Casey Wardynski: Those we lost on 9/11, and America, deserve better

Almost 20 years after Al-Qaeda's 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, the gravediggers of America now ensconced in the White House,...

State Rep. Garrett: Electric vehicle revolution supplies good news for Alabama’s future

Electric vehicle announcements came fast and furious in the last year as major automobile manufacturers announced plans to accelerate electrification. Mercedes-Benz and Volvo are planning...

Aderholt: Protecting the most vulnerable

Over the past few weeks, I have written about my role on the Appropriations Committee, covering two of the three subcommittees I serve on...

Guest: The miracle of America in the Afghanistan debacle

You ever stop to think about what a miracle America is? Recently, 13 of my fellow countrymen I’ve never met gave their lives protecting me...

Carl: Fighting to secure a strong national defense budget

Every year, Congress passes the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which sets the budget for the Department of Defense (DOD), nuclear weapons program of...

Economic freedom and children’s prosperity

The United States has long been seen as the Land of Opportunity. While unfortunately some Americans were excluded from these opportunities, ambitious and hard-working...

Guest: Labor Day is a tribute to those who manufacture, build and grow

When many of us were growing up, Labor Day was the traditional end of summer, and we started back to school the next day....

Flowers: Trump comes to Alabama

Former President Donald Trump paid a visit to the Heart of Dixie last week. Obviously, this is Trump Country. Alabama was one of Trump’s best...

John Merrill: H.R.4 is an unjustifiable federal power grab

Earlier this month, H.R.4 was introduced by Representative Terri Sewell who represents Alabama's 7th Congressional District. H.R.4 is the latest attempt by Washington Democrats to...

Katie Britt: Combatting the opioid epidemic is key for Alabama’s future

Tuesday, August 31 marks Overdose Awareness Day across the globe. This annual international campaign brings much needed attention to a topic that is critical...

If Biden won’t enforce U.S. immigration law, states and locals governments should

If you need something done right, then do it yourself, as the old saying goes. But when it comes to enforcing U.S. immigration laws,...

Carl: Our Afghanistan veterans fulfilled their mission by keeping America safe for the last 20 years

Since the United States entered Afghanistan in 2001, there have been more than 2,300 U.S. military deaths, as well as civilian deaths, in the...

DeMarco: Alabama congressional delegation should lead the call for Biden administration top advisors resignations

This past week will go down as one of, if not the worst, blunders by an American president in history. The ongoing withdrawal by President...

Pencils can teach as well as write

Can we learn economics from a pencil? We can, as one of the great contributions of economic education illustrates. America would be better off...

Katie Britt: Joe Biden has displayed gross incompetence and an inability to effectively lead our nation as commander-in-chief

Thursday was not only a deeply somber day in recent American history, it’s an infuriating one. Joe Biden has displayed gross incompetence and an inability...

Ainsworth: Biden’s weak-kneed surrender in Afghanistan demands articles of impeachment to be brought against him

During my remarks at the recent “Save America” rally that President Donald Trump held in Cullman, I called for the impeachment of Joe Biden,...

John Roberts: Afghanistan is a total failure by our nation’s leaders

I will say it again: What we are watching in Afghanistan is the greatest dereliction of duty by an American leader of my lifetime....

Carl: Democrats’ tax and spend spree

It should be no surprise to anyone that Washington, D.C., has a spending problem – our national debt has been out of control for...

The Atlantic Charter: Optimistic leadership in an uncertain world

Imagine your football team is in the first quarter of a game, a couple of star players are sidelined and the opponent’s offense seems...

Guest: Vaccine hesitancy

Alabama currently ranks last in fully vaccinated population percentage, according to the Mayo Clinic. The reluctance of many to take the free, highly effective COVID...

Flowers: Summer political happenings

This long hot and wet summer is coming to a close, and Labor Day is on the horizon. Labor Day weekend will not only...

Tuberville: Biden’s $3.5 trillion spending spree full of items Americans can’t afford, don’t want

President Biden and Democrats in Congress want to spend three and a half trillion of your taxpayer dollars on a progressive wish list that...

Katie Britt: Leaving people behind in Afghanistan is un-American

I’m sure like me, you’ve seen the horrific photos, videos and reports from Afghanistan. The helicopter on the roof of our retreating embassy. Those desperately seeking...