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Guest Opinion

Carl: The House continues failing to fulfill its basic duties

One of the basic duties of the House of Representatives is to keep the federal government properly funded. Keeping the federal government funded and...

Katie Britt: Human trafficking is modern day slavery, and it’s time to end it

While the spike in violent crime nationwide last year has rightfully grabbed headlines, one heinous crime wave continues to go relatively under the radar. Human...

Beth Chapman: The power of incumbency

Incumbents always have an advantage. They have a track record in office (which should be an advantage), and they have stronger name identification (whether...

Guests: Putting competition aside to support public health

In Alabama, we like our rivalries. One that goes back a hundred years or so is the neighborly competition between Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Dr...

Aderholt: Securing the southern border is not just to stop illegal immigration

From the southern border to our backyards, fentanyl and methamphetamine are pouring into the United States in record amounts. These lethal drugs will eventually...

Justice Will Sellers: The terrors of justice

Eighty years ago this month, with the stroke of a pen, President Franklin Roosevelt in Executive Order 9066 effectively relegated 120,000 Japanese Americans to...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Greed and inflation

Inflation topped 7% in December, the highest level in forty years. The Biden administration has tried blaming rising prices on corporate greed with antitrust...

John Roberts: A red wave is coming — What will we do with it?

America needs a change in leadership. The Republican Party has a golden opportunity to take back Congress in 2022 and the White House in...

AARP Alabama state director: Alabama’s seniors need a modernized guardianship system

It is often a difficult and heartbreaking decision. Someone in your life – usually an aging parent or other loved one – is at...

Flowers: Groundhog Day

Happy Groundhog Day. It is an ironic juxtaposition that the State of the Union address by the president and Groundhog Day occur on the...

Guests: Why constitutional carry provisions should be approved in Alabama

Gun-control advocates keep making the same predictions of doom and bloodshed from law-abiding citizens having guns for protection. They warn us of pending disaster...

Carl: South Alabama continues leading as an aerospace hub

Whether it’s Austal Shipyard in Mobile, Fort Rucker in the Wiregrass, Maxwell-Gunter Airforce Base in Montgomery, or Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama’s contributions to...

Guest: School system’s diversity programs created by group that believes only whites can be racists

Socrates is believed to have once said, “The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms.” Most people, including the editors of the Merriam-Webster, Oxford, and American Heritage dictionaries,...

Beth Chapman: Special session ends with ‘Kumbaya’

The special session of the Legislature ended with $772 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds going to expand high-speed internet, water and sewer...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Steroids and positional goods

Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens were recently not elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame in their final year of eligibility, reportedly over their...

Flowers: Will gambling be addressed in 2022?

As the final regular legislative session of the quadrennium evolves, it is apparent that the legislature will not touch any substantive or controversial issues,...

Dale Strong: Real school choice happens when dollars follow students

This week is National School Choice Week and with that an opportunity to highlight the fact that parents have a choice between public schools,...

State Health Officer Harris: Alabama Unites Against COVID campaign launched, stressing importance of vaccination and testing

COVID-19 has changed the way all of us conduct our daily lives and affects everyone, regardless of our neighborhoods, our political affiliations, our race...

Guest: COVID relief’s water and sewer spending can be life-changing for thousands of Alabamians

Thanks to billions of federal dollars to assist in the economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, Alabama has an unprecedented opportunity to address longstanding...

Guest: No virtue in China’s Olympics

The International Olympic Committee has granted China the 2022 Winter Olympic games, which are soon to be underway. The same IOC espouses on its...

Beth Chapman: Beaches, golf, mountains and rockets

No, this is not a column about “a few of my favorite things,” but about Alabama’s incredible tourism industry. Tourism is a key component...

Carl: The world is safer when America leads, but Biden’s leadership is missing on the world stage

Serving as a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I’ve seen firsthand how President Biden’s lack of a clear and coherent foreign policy...

Katie Britt: Biden has turned Alabama into a border state

Alabama doesn't share a border with Mexico. But the border crisis has turned every state into a border state, and Alabama is paying a...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: The organ shortage

Over 100,000 Americans await organ transplants and over 6,000 die annually while waiting. From an economic perspective the decades-long organ shortage has a simple...