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Guest Opinion

Guest: World Water Day

World Water Day is March 22. The essential importance of water to public health and safety, the economy, and the environment has become more...

Yother: Changing the future of Alabama’s education system starts with capable and qualified State School Board members

Alabama is past due for an education overhaul. In nearly every national publication that scores and ranks education systems, Alabama finds itself dead last....

Paul DeMarco: Alabama lawmakers side with liberal interest group over state public safety officials

Some lawmakers in the Alabama Legislature are again showing that their “law and order” campaign promises do not necessarily match their actions in the...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: International trade, war and peace

French economist and journalist Frederic Bastiat wrote, “When goods don’t cross borders, soldiers will.” That international trade contributes to peace is a tenet of...

Flowers: Incumbency reigns supreme in State Senate

Being an incumbent state senator in Alabama is like owning that seat. The level of reelectability odds is probably better than that of an...

Guest: When it comes to medical care, we cannot compromise patient safety

Alabama lawmakers are considering legislation that would compromise patient safety by allowing non-physicians to perform surgeries on one of the body’s most complex and...

Labor secretary Washington: Brighter days ahead

What a rollercoaster the last two years have been! The Alabama Department of Labor, along with the rest of the country, has certainly experienced...

Senate Majority Leader Clay Scofield: Alabama’s early broadband planning, investments paying dividends today

Alabama’s efforts to expand rural broadband in the last five years have given us a head start on bringing additional households online supported by...

Rep. Barry Moore: March Madness is extra mad in Washington

March Madness is in full swing in Washington with power-mad Democrats oblivious to the multiple crises plaguing Americans on their watch. How oblivious? This week,...

Beth Chapman: Alabama Women’s Hall of Fame

March is National Women’s Month, so it is fitting that the Alabama Women’s Hall of Fame (AWHOF) held its annual induction ceremony this month....

Carl: The 2022 appropriations bill is a win for South Alabama and America

Several times in the past few months, I’ve written about the House of Representatives keeps failing to do its basic duties because Democrats have...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Evaluating pandemic deregulation

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted life in many ways. Governments across America assumed new powers without explicit authorization. But laws restricting businesses were also suspended....

‘Dear Alabama’ — A letter from State Representative Mike Ball

I was nine years old when I first met my father, Leldon Ball. He was standing in the middle of a small gaggle of...

Flowers: Incumbency prevails in secondary constitutional offices

Incumbency is a potent, powerful, inherent advantage in politics. That fact is playing out to the nines in this year’s Alabama secondary constitutional and...

Rogers: Biden’s socialist policies are hurting Americans

The harm to our economy caused by Joe Biden’s socialist wish list is growing worse every day. Self-inflicted crises have dominated the first 15...

Guest: Women, the construction industry is calling you

The COVID-19 pandemic hammered workforce participation, and it’s still recovering—especially with women. According to recent data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, men...

Mike Durant: Delusional Biden disappoints

I‘ve been clear on the record: Joe Biden disappoints me every day when he wakes up in the morning. Last week during his first State...

Ainsworth: Radical Democrat energy policies are to blame for skyrocketing prices at the pump

Americans witnessed an economic boom unlike any other in our nation’s history under President Donald Trump, whose presidency was marked by record low unemployment...

Pete Riehm: Evil cannot be ignored — It never rests

As the world watches the slow moving brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine in abject horror, people around the world are repulsed and stunned, but...

Justice Will Sellers: God save the queen (happy birthday, Aretha)!

Had she lived, the Queen of Soul would have been 80-years-old this month. For at least 60 of her 76 years, Aretha Franklin shared...

Carl: President Biden’s lies are an insult to the American people

Americans across the country are frustrated and disappointed with President Biden’s performance for the past year, so it’s not surprising his approval ratings are...

Beth Chapman: Legislative resolution to support Ukraine

Last week, the Alabama House of Representatives unanimously passed a resolution condemning Russia for invading Ukraine. The resolution declared support for Ukraine, its government,...

Lindy Blanchard: Alabama, U.S. are at a crossroads

It’s time for a new leader in Alabama -- a new leader who does not do things the way they have always been done...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Do sanctions work?

The United States and Europe imposed economic sanctions on Russia for its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. I will let others debate the sufficiency of...