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Faith and Culture

‘Stand on Christ the Risen Rock’ — Alabama faith leader and family offer encouraging message

Micah McElveen, founder and CEO of Sylacauga-based Vapor Ministries, joined with his family in offering an encouraging Easter message. Watch: McElveen leads Vapor Ministries which, according...

UAB top nurse reads letters of support from Birmingham children

The support from the Birmingham community, the state of Alabama and beyond has been overwhelming for front line hospital workers battling the coronavirus pandemic at the University...

Governor Ivey deems the Easter Bunny’s duties ‘essential activities’

Children across Alabama can stop worrying about the impact of the coronavirus on their Easter Sunday holiday because Governor Kay Ivey has declared the...

Battle slams Huntsville synagogue vandalism — ‘Despicable act’

Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle has issued a strong statement condemning the recent acts of vandalism at the Etz Chayim Synagogue in Huntsville. "This despicable act...

Ainsworth encourages Alabamians to ‘Ring for the Resurrection’ on Easter

Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth is asking all Alabamians to join him in a “Ring for the Resurrection” campaign on Easter Sunday. The effort is...

Ivey announces campaign encouraging Alabamians to pray for medical personnel, first responders

Governor Kay Ivey on Tuesday announced her new “Ribbons of Hope” campaign from the steps of the Alabama State Capitol. Through this campaign, Ivey is...

Food companies serve free meals, treats to those in need and front-line workers during pandemic

Mary Drennen said she didn’t really understand the far-reaching effects of the COVID-19 pandemic until she and others handed out free meals March 30...

Alabama History@Home is an online window into state’s past and more

Have you ever wondered what Alabamians’ recipes looked like during World War I or wanted to see what houses looked like in your community in the 20th century? Or...

Alabama animal shelters still on the job meeting pets’ needs in midst of COVID-19 pandemic

This year, 7-year-old Diana Bailey received an early birthday surprise – a new furry friend to help fill her days at home during the...

Alabama churches enter an unprecedented Holy Week finding peace in Christ

“Surreal.” That’s how Patrick Curles described his experience preaching to an empty church during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. As strange as it may have sounded...

Alabama farmers to host virtual field trips every Friday through May 22

How do peanuts grow? When do Alabama farmers grow different fruits and vegetables? What’s the difference between a cow, a bull and a calf? Alabama...

Andy Andrews: A prayer of perspective

Andy Andrews has written a prayer he calls "A Prayer of Perspective." The Alabama native shared the prayer in an email to friends and followers...

‘Don’t let the corona get on ya!’ — Alabama retirees sing during COVID-19 crisis

An Alabama retirement community shared a helpful message on social media this week amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. In a video posted on Facebook, residents...

Friends launch Local Distancing to support Birmingham businesses

Three friends in Birmingham were wrestling with a major dilemma created by the coronavirus pandemic: How can you lend support to your favorite restaurants...

Alabama-based Jack’s Family Restaurants chain raising money for coronavirus relief

Local Jack’s Family Restaurants across the South are now asking guests to join their efforts in raising funds to support organizations and families in crisis...

‘We Are Magic’: Video highlights resilience of Birmingham in face of coronavirus, urges support of local businesses

Birmingham-based Telegraph Creative on Sunday released a moving video entitled, "We Are Magic," showcasing the spirit of optimism, unity and hope that Magic City...

Community holds ‘Park and Pray’ twice daily at East Alabama Medical Center — ‘God is in this’

Lee County has been one of the hardest hit areas by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Alabama, and members of the community are rallying...

From Slapout through ‘American Idol,’ Jessica Meuse is an Alabama Music Maker on a journey

Jessica Meuse would love to become “the dark version of Carrie Underwood.” That might seem ambitious for an Alabama Music Maker from Slapout. But her talents...

Birmingham AIDS Outreach adapts to serve clients during COVID-19 crisis

In a typical month, Birmingham AIDS Outreach (BAO) serves about 800 people. Those services include counseling, legal aid, nutritional supplements and meal delivery. The recent...

Full Moon Bar-B-Que brings cheer, warm meal to Birmingham families

During this period of uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 outbreak across the nation, Full Moon Bar-B-Que is offering Alabamians a way to reach out a helping...

Andy Andrews: Imagination control and the Chicken Little syndrome

Best-selling author and Alabama native Andy Andrews delivered some thoughtful advice on self-control and keeping things in perspective in his latest video. Here is how...

The story behind the creation of YellaWood’s iconic Yella Fella character and campaign

In 2004, audiences were taken back to a time reminiscent of television in the 1950s — when cowboys ruled the airwaves and there was...

Chairs at closed Alabama beach spell out ‘TRUMP’

Alabama's beaches have all been closed since last Thursday at 5:00 p.m. CT due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. While the normal crowds of visitors...

Univ. of Alabama student starts no-fee shopping service for seniors, named ‘Hero of the Day’ by TODAY Show

Michael Arundel, a junior at the University of Alabama, has started a no-fee shopping service to help senior citizens amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. TODAY...