On Saturday, Auburn residents awoke to heartbreaking news: Efforts to preserve the nest of two iconic bald eagles, affectionately nicknamed Jim and Pam, had...
Many people know Jim and Pam from the hit comedy series The Office. Still, another couple nicknamed Jim and Pam—this time, two American Bald Eagles—have...
Nestled just over the mountain between Mountain Brook and Downtown Birmingham, The Station at Crestline Heights brings a fresh wave of luxurious living to...
A breezy October afternoon welcomed Marilyn Vetter, a Midwesterner with a lifelong love for the outdoors, to Alabama. In state for the Wetumpka Wildlife...
One of Alabama's longest-running holiday traditions is back for another year. The annual Turkey Pardoning which originally began in 1949, allows for the clemency...
DeKalb County educator and University of West Alabama adjunct professor Dr. Brandon Renfroe spoke at the recent National Forum to Advance Rural Education, held...
When the United States Supreme Court handed down its 5-4 opinion on Allen v. Milligan last summer, ruling that Alabama’s congressional map was likely...
The Weaver Cave Preserve in Anniston now boasts seven new artificial bat roosts, courtesy of a partnership between the Georgia-Alabama Land Trust and Alabama Power and funded by the U.S. Fish...
The Birmingham Police Department hosted a swearing-in ceremony last week for its newest honorary deputy chief – a determined, 12-year-old boy battling terminal cancer.
The Roberts family from Pike Road in Montgomery County has completed a six-year adventure visiting Alabama from border to border, making memories all along...
An Auburn University alumnus has made a $10 million pledge that will provide an estimated more than 300 scholarships to Auburn Engineering students during...